Mother of Hunter Biden's estranged child is about to release a tell-all memoir

 June 3, 2024

Lunden Roberts, the mother of Hunter Biden's daughter Navy Joan Roberts, is about to release a tell-all memoir. 

The memoir is titled, Out of the Shadows: My Life Inside the Wild World of Hunter Biden, and it is set to be released on Aug. 20, 2024.

The timing of the book's release is likely no coincidence. Aug. 20 just so happens to be in the middle of the Democratic Party's National Convention, at which Hunter's father, President Joe Biden, is expected to be named the party's presidential nominee.

It now appears that this could be one of many Biden family scandals that could plague Biden's nomination.

The details

As the title suggests, the memoir focuses on Roberts's relationship with Hunter Biden.

The Amazon billing, in part, states:

Lunden is finally ready to step into the light and tell her story. In her brave and honest memoir, she recounts the chaos, the broken trust, and ultimately the incredible love she found mothering and protecting the long-unacknowledged grandchild of the sitting President of the United States.

The publisher, in the billing, also provides a sneak peek, detailing the first time that Roberts and Biden met.

The excerpt reads:

He was sitting there wearing nothing but parrot boxer briefs, organizing his pipes on his Rosemont Seneca desk. I was sitting in Barack Obama's actual chair from the Senate floor. I took another look at Hunter - this kind, intense, and startlingly transparent man - and thought, "this is definitely a guy I want to get to know better.

Who wouldn't want to read writing like that?

The backstory

The Daily Mail provides some of the details of Roberts and Biden's relationship.

The outlet reports:

Roberts was reportedly working at the Mpire strip club in Washington, D.C., during her brief fling with the current first son . . . The relationship between Hunter and Roberts happened in late 2017 amid a particularly tumultuous in the younger Biden's life, as he became addicted to crack cocaine after his brother Beau's 2015 death. He had also been dating Beau Biden's widow Hallie.

That "brief fling" resulted in a pregnancy, which then led to a paternity dispute. Biden denied being the father of the child, but a DNA test showed otherwise.

Biden and Roberts were locked in a rather contentious court battle for several years, which ended last year when they privately settled their child support dispute.

The Biden family, after facing significant criticism, has reluctantly acknowledged that Navy is the president's granddaughter, but it does not appear as though there is any relationship between the child and her grandfather.

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Thomas Jefferson