Mother says Biden administration "depersonalizes" daughter killed by illegal migrant

 June 20, 2024

Twenty-three-year-old Salvadoran illegal migrant and alleged gang member Victor Antonio Martinez-Hernandez has been accused of raping and murdering 37-year-old Rachel Morin in Harford County, Maryland last summer.

During a Tuesday interview with Fox News, Morin's mother charged that the Biden administration is minimizing her death. 

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According to the New York Post, Patty Morin took issue with the fact that Department of Homeland Security Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas recently referred to her daughter as an "individual" instead of using her name.

"It’s a completely political statement because they’re not even willing to acknowledge that she was a mother, a daughter," the elder Morin was quoted as telling host Laura Ingraham.

"It totally depersonalizes her and makes her an object," Mrs. Morin continued before adding that no one from the White House has reached out.

Randolph Rice serves as the Morin family's attorney, and he spoke as well, saying, "They just seem to be disconnected completely from what is happening at the southern border and how it is affecting Americans."

"They are hemorrhaging at the southern border and they’re arguing about what kind of band aid to put on it when instead they should be putting a tourniquet on it and stopping this flow so that we don’t have another Rachel Morin," he declared.

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Mayorkas' remarks came on Tuesday evening when CNN host Jim Acosta asked about criticism that the Biden administration has received over violence committed by illegal aliens.

"First and foremost of course our hearts break for the children, the loved ones and the friends of the individual who was murdered — the woman, the mother," Mayorkas asserted.

"A criminal is responsible for the criminal act. The criminal who committed this heinous act should be held accountable to the fullest extent of the law and forcefully so," he added.

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The Post noted that Morin's murder is not the only violent crime Martinez-Hernandez is believed to have committed since he crossed the border last year, as he is also alleged to have committed a violent home invasion in California.

Mrs. Morin's complaints echo those made by the parents of Laken Riley, a University of Georgia nursing student who was also killed by an illegal migrant.

While President Joe Biden referenced Riley in his State of the Union address, he mispronounced her name and then apologized for referring to her killer as an "illegal."

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