No charges for ATF agent who shot Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport chief during raid

 June 16, 2024

Many were shocked earlier this year over the death of Bryan Malinowski, who served as director at Arkansas's Bill and Hillary Clinton Airport. 

While Malinowski was killed as personnel from the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives (ATF) raided his home, it was recently revealed that no one will face charges over his death. 

Report: Airport director fired first

According to the Arkansas Democrat Gazette, that decision was made public on Friday by 6th Judicial District Prosecuting Attorney Will Jones.

"After a review of the documents, statements, and evidence provided, we find that the agent’s use of deadly force was justified," Jones was quoted as writing in a letter to a special agent for the ATF.

An investigation has found that Malinowski fired upon ATF agents in the early morning hours of March 19 as they attempted to execute a search warrant on his home.

Agents proceeded to return fire and struck Malinowski. The 53-year-old was taken to hospital and subsequently succumbed to his wounds two days later.

Use of deadly force "was in accordance with Arkansas law and was justified"

"The first agent to enter the residence looked to his left and saw Mr. Malinowski at the end of the hallway pointing the handgun at him," Jones'  letter explained.

"The agent immediately dropped to the ground and rolled to avoid potential gunfire," it continued. "The second agent to enter saw Mr. Malinowski firing downwards at Agent 1."

"At this time, Agent 2 was struck in the foot. As Mr. Malinowski raised his gun towards Agent 2, Agent 2 fired, striking Mr. Malinowski," the letter stated.

"Immediately after the shooting, officers requested emergency personnel and begin administering medical aid to Mr. Malinowski," Jones' correspondence went on to add.

"Given the totality of the circumstances, Agent 2 had a reasonable belief that deadly force was necessary to defend himself and Agent 1. Therefore, the use of deadly force by Agent 2 was in accordance with Arkansas law and was justified," the prosecutor concluded.

Brother says ATF agents administered "a kill shot"

However, Jones' determination that Malinowski's was justified is unlikely to be accepted by the late airport executive's brother.

He told the New York Post ATF agents had administered "a kill shot" while insisting that Malinowski "was aiming for the shins, a non-lethal shot."

The Gazette noted that the raid was being carried out as part of an investigation into weapons sales Malinowski was allegedly making at gun shows.

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