Pennsylvania Dems caught changing election website page

 August 31, 2024

Pennsylvania Democrats were just caught making a change to their election website page. 

The New York Post reports that they were caught making the change on Thursday night.

This came after state Republicans accused them of doing something that they ought not to be doing.

"Pennsylvania Democrats quietly updated their website Thursday night after Republicans accused them of publishing 'misinformation' on the site’s recruitment page," the outlet reports.

The details

The Post provides the details of the accusation made by Republicans against their Democratic counterparts.

Per the outlet:

The Republican National Committee sent a letter to Pennsylvania Secretary of State Al Schmidt earlier in the day Thursday, pointing out that the Pennsylvania Dems’ “Voter Protection” page on their website said that poll watchers on Election Day “must be physically present in PA for their shift, but do not necessarily have to be PA voters.”

The only problem is that this would appear to violate state election laws.

The Post continues, "That language contradicted Pennsylvania election law going back to 1937, which states, 'Each watcher so appointed must be a qualified registered elector of the county in which the election district for which the watcher was appointed is located.'"

The Republicans, accordingly, accused the Democrats of threatening the integrity of the upcoming election.

Pennsylvania Democrats respond

It was in response to this letter that Pennsylvania Democrats made the change to their election website.

Now, the website reads:

Poll Observers must be physically present in PA for their shift. In order to be an inside poll observer, you must be a registered PA voter and you must have a certificate from your local County Board of Elections. Both PA voters and non-PA Voters can volunteer as outside poll observers (at least 10 ft. outside the polling place).

One could argue that the change is an admission of guilt. But, this is not how Pennsylvania Democrats see it.

They have put out a statement, saying:

Our Party takes our democracy seriously, unlike the MAGA Republicans that are busy launching bad faith attacks on voters and our volunteers. Poll watchers may be located inside or outside of polling locations, and outside poll watchers can be volunteers from any state. We have always made this distinction in assigning our volunteers on Election Day.

The Post, however, notes, "Pennsylvania Democrats didn’t make this distinction on their recruitment page – until it was changed Thursday night."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson