Rep. Jim Jordan requests Alvin Bragg and his top prosecutor to appear for a public hearing

 June 2, 2024

Manhattan DA Alvin Bragg was quick to take a victory lap after former President Donald Trump was convicted on all 34 counts he brought against him.

However, Bragg isn't totally out of the woods just yet, according to the Gazette.

On Friday, House Republican leaders called on Bragg and prosecutor Matthew Colangelo to attend an upcoming public hearing regarding the charges they brought against the former president -- charges that many, from both sides of the aisle, do not believe were actual crimes, or at least not felony level.

According to a source familiar with the requested meeting, Federal Election Commissioner Brad Smith will also be asked to attend the hearing.

What's going on?

GOP lawmakers requested the hearing on the Select Subcommittee on the Weaponization of the Federal Government. They set the hearing date for June 13.

It's no wonder why Bragg is being requested at the hearing, but Colangelo's presence could be even more important given his past work history.

The Gazette noted:

Colangelo is a former top-ranking official in the Biden administration's Justice Department who left the DOJ to join the team prosecuting Trump.

He also previously worked in New York Attorney General Letitia James's office, where he conducted investigations into Trump and the Trump Organization.

Colangelo has been accused by many Republicans of being "obsessed" with going after Trump, and though it hasn't been proven, some have suggested the possibility of some type of collusion situation, as Trump is President Joe Biden's political opoonent in the upcoming election.

Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) fired off the letter to Bragg and Colangelo Friday, asking that they make an appearance.

The letter

Jordan held nothing back in his request for the two prosecutors to explain their side outside of the courtroom.

"This hearing will examine actions by state and local prosecutors to engage politically motivated prosecutions of federal officials, in particular the recent political prosecution of President Donald Trump by the Manhattan District Attorney’s Office," Jordan's letter read.

Not surprisingly, Bragg and Colangelo couldn't be reached for comment on the matter, and it's unclear whether or not they'll attend.

If one had to bet money on it, it's probably safe to say that short of a congressional subpoena, they'll probably skip out. Only time will tell.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson