Report suggest Rep. Cori Bush may be forced out in primary challenge

 June 28, 2024

This week saw far-left New York Democrat and Squad member Jamal Bowman lose his primary race against Westchester County Executive George Latimer.

Axios noted that Bowman may not be the only member of the Squad who could soon be forced out, as Missouri Democratic Rep. Cori Bush may be vulnerable too.

Multiple Jewish groups lined up in support of Bush's primary challenger

The website pointed out that Bush shares Bowman's penchant for launching vociferous attacks on Israel, something which has led the American Israel Public Affairs Committee (AIPAC) to support her opponent, local prosecutor Wesley Bell.

Bell is receiving additional support from the Jewish Democratic Council of America (JDCA), which also endorsed Bowman's opponent.

Yet another endorsement for Bell came from Democratic Majority for Israel (DMFI), which released a poll showing Bush and Bell in a statistical dead heat.

As Axios observed, this was a markedly different result from an earlier DMFI poll conducted in January, with that survey giving Bush a 17-point edge.

Bowman and Bush have both been dogged by scandal

Since January, Bush has been the subject of  multiple federal investigations over an alleged scheme which involved using campaign funds to pay her husband for security work.

"I can confirm that the Department of Justice is reviewing my campaign's spending on security services," Axios quoted Bush as saying in a statement which denied any wrongdoing.

Bush's purported scandal echoes Bowman's censure by the House over his decision to pull a fire alarm, something which resulted in him pleading guilty to a criminal charge.

However, one notable difference between Bush and Bowman is that the former has yet to receive an endorsement from House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries or his top deputies.

Progressive House colleague expresses skepticism over Bush's future

Axios spoke with multiple House Democrats, including some progressives, about how they regard Bush's chances of holding her seat.

One progressive colleague who spoke on the condition of anonymity said that Bush "doesn't have the kind of relationships even that Bowman had."

"So I can imagine that it's been difficult for folks in leadership to figure out how to be supportive of her," the left-wing lawmaker went on to add.

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