Sen. Tom Cotton demands explanation as to why White House delayed arms shipments to Israel

 June 22, 2024

In the wake of the brutal and deadly attack on Israel led by cowardly Hamas terrorists, the Biden administration pledged to support Israel with everything it needed to defend itself. 

However, as radical left anti-Israel elements of his own party continue to pressure him to backing away significantly from that promised support, it turns out that Biden has done exactly that.

According to Breitbart, Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) revealed that the Biden administration has halted expedited arms shipments to Israel as it continues its mission of eradicating Hamas in Gaza.

Cotton claims the only reason the shipments were halted is due to extreme pressure from elements of the Democratic Party.

What's going on?

Breitbart reported that Cotton said the elderly president is "deliberately misleading the American people" and "insulting a key ally" that is "under sustained threat."

The Arkansas Republican held nothing back in a letter sent to President Biden this week, slamming him for pulling back his support for Israel at such a critical time simply due to political pressure that could affect his presidential campaign.

"Your administration is engaged in bureaucratic sleight-of-hand to withhold this crucial aid to Israel during a shooting war. As you are aware, the Arms Export Control Act requires the administration to notify Congress before sending weapons to a foreign country."

Cotton added, "Your administration has manipulated this requirement by withholding this formal notification to Congress of approved weapons sales, including F-15s, tactical vehicles, 120-mm mortars, 120-mm tank rounds, joint direct attack munitions, and small diameter bombs. Your administration can then claim that the weapons are 'in process' while never delivering them."

Cotton also demanded in his letter an explanation for the delays in shipments, as well as a full record of all the types of weapons and ammunition requested by Israel.

Social media reacts

Social media users offered mixed reactions to the situation, including Cotton's demands. Some supported his concerns while others clearly did not.

"I'm tired of sending our money to help these people. Our politicians are traitors who prioritize Israelis over our veterans. Imagine if we had used that money to support our veterans instead. Help our veterans and stop sending money to lsrael!!!" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Israel does not need our assistance."

Only time will tell if Biden and his administration comply with Cotton's request, but one shouldn't bet any money on it.

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Thomas Jefferson