Speaker Johnson torches Biden admin over bombshell IG report indicating 300K missing migrant children

 August 22, 2024

The illegal immigration crisis is already a deadly mess for U.S. citizens, but it's also a total nightmare for illegal migrant children, who are often the innocent victims as a result of the chaos. 

They're often the victims of sex trafficking rings and are the most vulnerable and easiest targets for sex traffickers to kidnap and use.

According to the New York Post, a bombshell Inspector's General report indicated that a staggering 300,000 migrant children are "missing" within the United States, which sparked immediate backlash from House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-LA).

Johnson torched the Biden administration for essentially allowing those children to fall victim to a "modern-day slavery operation."

What did he say?

Johnson, who has joined most Republicans in slamming the Biden administration's failure to secure the southern U.S. border, held nothing back as he excoriated Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris for allowing the circumstances that have resulted in so many missing children.

"This administration’s failure to secure our border is facilitating what is the equivalent of a modern-day slavery operation," Johnson said during a call with reporters.

He then aimed his fire directly at Harris, the Democratic Party's presidential nominee and failed "border czar."

"The southern border is a national security disaster and a humanitarian catastrophe and Kamala Harris cannot be trusted to fix it," Johnson said.

Johnson added, "And this is one of the biggest scandals in American history; it’s one of the most tragic; and we have to hold emergency hearings."

The Post noted details of the shocking report:

Immigration and Customs Enforcement (ICE) “as of May 2024” failed to provide court dates to 291,000 unaccompanied children that had been released to domestic sponsors, according to the Department of Homeland Security Office of Inspector General.

Social media reacts

Users across social media were also furious about the IG's report, adding their own opinions as to what should happen as a result.

"The senior leadership of DHS and ICE need to be charged with the trafficking of minor children for every one they can't account for...." one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "If we had a real country and government, there would already be people going to prison over this."

Unless America elects Donald Trump as president, sadly, this cycle will continue to worsen. And that's unacceptable.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson