Leftist progressive 'Squad' member Rep. Jamaal Bowman crushed by moderate challenger in New York Democratic primary

 June 27, 2024

Over the past few election cycles, the far-left progressive "Squad" formed by Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY) and her like-minded leftist comrades has grown in size and influence in Congress, but that may have just changed this week.

One member of the "Squad," Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), was just defeated in stunning fashion by his moderate Democratic primary challenger, Westchester County Executive George Latimer, according to the New York Post.

The brutal double-digit loss elicited bipartisan cheers from Democrats and Republicans alike who'd grown tired of Bowman's antics and antisemitism, among other things.

New York Republicans cheer Bowman's ouster

In a statement on Wednesday, New York GOP Chairman Ed Cox said, "Jamaal Bowman just faced the consequences of his disgraceful actions. From his childish fire alarm stunt to his blatant anti-Semitic remarks and his latest public meltdown, Bowman has repeatedly shown he is unfit for office."

"Good riddance, Jamaal. Every socialist in Congress and the State Legislature should likewise be rooted out of public office," Cox added.

Per the Post, former New York GOP congressman and gubernatorial candidate Lee Zeldin said of Rep. Bowman's loss, "The anti-American, Jew-hating Squad will be short one radical member in January 2025."

"Democrats nationwide have been put on notice. Americans do not support the antisemitic, pro-criminal, high-tax, open border, and anti-business policies championed by the likes of Rashida Tlaib, Ilhan Omar, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, and Jamaal Bowman," he added. "Our nation will be stronger with a Congress no longer disgraced by his presence."

Former Dem governors not sorry over Bowman's loss

The Post reported that former Democratic New York Gov. David Paterson suggested that Bowman had been too focused on his leftist ideology instead of his constituents and also critiqued the congressman for his various antics, including pulling a fire alarm to delay a vote in Congress as well as repeatedly cursing during campaign events.

"We can put up with people who have divergent points of view and maybe they’re a little bit on the edge, but what we [can’t] put up with is the coded language that really was antisemitism," Paterson said of Bowman's open anti-Israel sentiments. "When you do that kind of thing, karma gets you, and you know what they say about karma."

Likewise, former Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo said of Bowman, "Tonight middle school children who pull fire alarms & do it while denying rape as a weapon of war lost. And progress won," and added, "You can’t be a real progressive if you don’t make 'progress.' Now we can!"

Could Bowman's loss signal trouble for other "Squad" members?

The Washington Post reported that with approximately 95% of the votes counted in New York's 16th Congressional District, which includes part of the Bronx and much of suburban Westchester County, the challenger Latimer was leading the incumbent Bowman by about 17 points, 58.6-41.4%.

According to NBC News, the 16th District race was the most expensive congressional race in history, with more than $25 million spent on ads in the highly contentious primary election that featured stark differences between the two candidates on the Israel-Hamas war in Gaza, race and class issues, and clear ideological differences.

A substantial part of that massive spending came from the pro-Israel PAC known as the American Israel Public Affairs Committee, or AIPAC, which supports pro-Israel candidates on both sides of the aisle and spent approximately $15 million in support of Latimer's candidacy.

AIPAC has also focused its attention on another vulnerable "Squad" member, Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO), according to Politico, who is facing a tough primary election in August against St. Louis County prosecutor Wesley Bell and has faced trouble for her own openly expressed antisemitism in addition to a federal investigation of her questionable campaign expenditures, particularly for private security provided by her now-husband, among other problems.

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