'Squad' member gets duped by fake rabbi

 July 8, 2024

U.S. Rep. Cori Bush (D-MO) just got duped by a parody social media account, Fox News reports

Bush is a member of the so-called "Squad" - a group of radical, far-left Congress members that includes Bush as well as U.S. Reps. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY), Ilhan Omar (D-MN), Rashida Tlaib (D-MI), Jamal Bowman (D-NY), and others.

What makes this particular story even more humiliating for the squad is that Bush, believe it or not, was not the only squad member whom the parody social media account tricked.

It got Bowman as well.

Here's what happened:

The parody social media account is called "Chief Rabbi of Gaza." Before going any further, it has to be remembered that the members of the "squad" have, generally, shown themselves to be anti-Israel and pro-Palestine, particularly in the aftermath of the Oct. 7, 2023, terrorist attack carried out by Hamas on the Israeli people.

"The re-election campaign of stridently pro-Palestinian Rep. Cori Bush (D-Missouri) was considering a possible fundraiser with 'Rabbi Linda Goldstein' — a bogus X account that spews anti-Israel bile to catfish eager-to-believe progressives," the New York Post reports.

The outlet then quotes the message that this "rabbi" sent to Bush:

"I’ve been bouncing around different cities since my congregation was displaced from Gaza after Israel’s invasion on October 7,” Goldstein wrote in an email to Ronika Moody, Bush’s finance and engagement director. Also – would [Bush] travel to the Gaza border for the fundraiser? The optics could be incredible!

Bush and her team took the bait. Moody responded, "Cori is interested in hosting in Gaza and it’s something she has been trying to plan. Unfortunately, we have not been successful with that opportunity as of yet. Theme is Gaza?"

Goldstein then suggested that the theme could be "the morality" of intifada, adding, "The topics are built around finding a final solution to the problem of Zionism."


Perhaps it was at about this point that Bush realized she got duped because she did not respond to Goldstein's message.

Following the incident, Goldstein posted the exchange on the internet, and the man behind the parody account - a pro-Isreal lawyer named Michael, wrote this:

Cori Bush is the perfect example of an "empty suit" antisemite.– completely clueless about how the Israel-Palestine conflict works, but eager to speak up because it gives her cover to publicly hate Jews

The Bowman incident took place in April, and the details can be found here.

The good news for pro-Isreal Americans is that one squad member - Bowman - has already been removed from Congress, losing his reelection bid.

And, it is looking more and more likely that Bush could end up being the second squad member to be ousted.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson