Texas Democrat Sheila Jackson Lee announces pancreatic cancer diagnosis

 June 4, 2024

Members of Congress and the general public were shocked to learn that a high-profile Democratic lawmaker announced a serious cancer diagnosis this week. 

According to CBS News, Sheila Jackson Lee (D-TX), announced that she has been diagnosed with pancreatic cancer and is undergoing treatment for the potentially life-threatening disease.

She's served her role in Congress for nearly 30 years, representing parts of Houston in her district.

Jackson Lee has also been the subject of controversy, especially given some of her rhetoric during the time former President Donald Trump was in the White House.

What's going on?

On Sunday evening, the Texas Democrat formally announced her serious cancer diagnosis.

"My doctors have confirmed my diagnosis of pancreatic cancer," Jackson Lee said. "I am currently undergoing treatment to battle this disease that impacts tens of thousands of Americans every year."

CBS News noted:

The 74-year-old said that the treatment would mean she would likely be "occasionally absent from Congress" but said she will work with Congressional leadership "to serve this nation and be present for votes on legislation that is critical for the prosperity and security of the American people."

While she somewhat downplayed the seriousness of the situation, the outlet noted that pancreatic cancer typically isn't found in its early stages, as it usually only presents symptoms once the disease has progressed.

It's not her first battle with cancer, as she revealed in 2012 that she beat breast cancer through several forms of treatment, including chemotherapy, radiation and surgery, making a full recovery at the time.

Social media responds

Jackson Lee has her fair share of critics, to be kind, but many of them took to social media to offer their well-wishes and speedy recovery, given the gravity of the diagnosis.

Another X user wrote, "You're right. We pray for her deliverance from Cancer in Jesus' name, according to His love and His Will, Amen!"

The Texas lawmaker indicated that her office will continue to serve her constituents uninterrupted.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson