Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux furious after Harris campaign used his likeness in video ad

 August 14, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris' campaign took heat this week from a California sheriff who was not thrilled that they used him in a recently released ad. 

According to the New York Post, Tulare County Sheriff Mike Boudreaux made it abundantly clear in a statement to Fox News that his appearance in the ad was not an endorsement of the vice president or her running mate.

Boudreaux, in his statement, slammed Harris and the Biden administration for not doing enough to stem the flow of illegal crossings at the southern U.S. border.

He also claimed that his likeness was used in the ad without his permission.

What's going on?

Boudreaux's statement to Fox News made it clear that he is not happy about appearing in the ad, nor is he happy with how Harris has handled the border crisis.

"In light of a recent political ad put out by Kamala Harris featuring Sheriff Boudreaux, as well as other local law enforcement, the Sheriff wants to make it abundantly clear that his image is being used without his permission, and he does NOT endorse Harris for President or any other political office," the sheriff said.

He added, "The truth is, Harris never cared about the cartels and did nothing to stop people from illegally crossing the border."

The Tulare County sheriff appears for a moment in the ad while the narrator emphasizes Harris' record on prosecuting drug cartel lords.

"Kamala Harris has spent decades fighting violent crime as a border-state prosecutor. She took on drug cartels and jailed gang members for smuggling weapons and drugs across the border," the narrator says in the ad.

Social media reacts

Many across social media suggested that the sheriff file suit against the Harris campaign for using his likeness without his permission.

"He should sue her. If Isaac Hayes’ money grabbing family can —so can he!" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Can’t he sue her or request she stop running the ad if he was used in it without his permission?"

The sheriff released updated statements on social media making it expressly clear that he does not endorse Harris or her policies.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson