Wisconsin AG indicts Trump campaign figures for organizing alternate electors

 June 4, 2024

Former President Donald Trump has regularly complained that Democrats are using the justice system to target their political opponents.

Trump appears to have been vindicated this week after Wisconsin's Democratic Attorney General Josh Kaul indicted three men who helped organize alternate electors in 2020. 

All three Trump campaign figures face a single charge of felony forgery

According to the Examiner, that story was revealed in a series of social media posts on Monday by WISN 12 News political director Matt Smith.

The individuals in question are Kenneth Chesebro, James Troupis, and Michael Roman, each of whom are facing a single felony count of forgery in Dane County Circuit Court.

Smith explained in another post that the men are being charged under a state statute which reads, "Whoever utters as genuine or possesses with intent to utter as false or as genuine any forged writing or object mentioned in sub. (1), knowing it to have been thus falsely made or altered, is guilty of a Class H felony."

The Associated Press noted that Chesebro advised the Trump campaign and Troupis was the former president's lawyer in Wisconsin. Meanwhile, Roman served as Trump's director of Election Day operations.

"Our approach has been focused on following the facts where they lead," the Associated Press quoted Kaul as saying at a Monday news conference.

Democratic governor praises decision to indict

"The criminal complaint in this case alleges that the defendants were part of a conspiracy to present a certificate of purported electoral votes from individuals who were not Wisconsin's duly appointed electors," Kaul added in a statement.

"The Wisconsin Department of Justice is committed to protecting the integrity of our electoral progress," he went on to insist.

The state attorney general's announcement was welcomed by Democrats, including Wisconsin Gov. Tony Evers, who simply said the move was "good."

Sen. Ron Johnson: "Democrats are turning America into a banana republic"

However, Wisconsin Republican Sen. Ron Johnson slammed the indictment of Chesebro, Troupis, and Roman in a social media post of his own.

"This is outrageous. Now Democrats are weaponizing Wisconsin’s judiciary," the conservative lawmaker wrote in a post on X.

"Apparently conservative lawyers advising clients is illegal under Democrat tyranny," Johnson stressed before asserting that "Democrats are turning America into a banana republic."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson