A man who threatened to bomb a GOP Senate candidate gave money to his opponent

 April 29, 2024

An individual who has been charged with making a bomb threat against the office of a Republican Senate candidate in Wisconsin has made a donation to the campaign of the Democratic candidate who is running against the Republican.

According to a report from the Wisconsin State Journal, Joseph Quade, 72, was charged with making terrorist threats, seemingly in an attempt to kill the republican senate candidate, after he sent an email on April 4 to the campaign office of Eric Hovde in Wisconsin, as Fox News reported.

The Warning

The warning stated that the headquarters "might blow up." Quade's message was sent to the campaign office of Hovde, who is in the midst of his current campaign.

"Hey (EH), you think your building might blow up tomorrow? I don’t think you should have any of your people come to work," read the message, according to the report, which added that the message was sent in a voice memo attached to an email.

It was later reported that Quade testified to the police that he did not remember sending the message.

However, he did admit that he became "a little political" when he was under the influence of alcohol, and that there was a possibility that he was the one who was responsible for the threat.

Hovde, a businessman from Wisconsin, is running for the Senate seat currently held by Tammy Baldwin, a Democrat from Wisconsin.

A analysis of records from the Federal Elections Commission by Fox News Digital revealed that Quade was a financial supporter of the Baldwin campaign.

Quade contributed two donations of $25 each and one donation of $50 to Baldwin's campaign in order to show his support for the senator's effort for re-election. He made his most recent contribution, which was for $25, on December 29.

Campaign Response

In response to a request for comment made by Fox News Digital, a representative for the Baldwin campaign stated that "violence has no place in our politics and anyone who threatens violence has no place in our campaign."

"We will be donating this individual’s contributions to charity," the spokesperson, Andrew Mamo, said.

The state of Wisconsin, which is expected to be one of the most significant battlegrounds in the United States in 2024, will play a significant part in establishing the balance of power in Washington in November.

According to the Real Clear Politics polling average, Baldwin, who is running for a third term, won her re-election attempt in 2018 by a margin of just under four percentage points.

She also maintains a comparable lead over Hovde in recent polling.

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