Former staffers call VP Harris a 'soul-destroying bully'

 July 27, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris' rise to the top of the Democratic Party's ticket is bringing serious scrutiny regarding the way she runs her office. 

Harris has been extremely unpopular as President Joe Biden's vice president, and she has no accomplishments to speak of. But it appears that it's getting even worse for her.

According to the Daily Mail, the way she runs her camp is horrific if you take the word of her former staffers, who accuse her of promoting a toxic work environment.

Some of her former staffers have accused her of being a "soul-destroying" workplace "bully," among other unflattering descriptions.

What's going on?

Starting with the most shocking statistic compiled by non-partisan watchdog Open The Books, only four of the original 71 staffers hired by VP Harris are still working in her office. The other 67 were either fired, or quit.

The Daily Mail's Charlie Speiring wrote:

During research for my recent Harris biography ('Amateur Hour', published in January), the horror stories I heard from many of her former employees and read about in numerous reports – shocked me.

As far back as the 2010s, when Harris served as California's Attorney General, she was allegedly known for running a 'toxic' workplace.

According to an account by Barbara O'Connor, a professor at California State University, Sacramento, students who interned for Harris in California would cry and tell O'Connor that they felt Harris didn't value them.

As a senator in California, her office turnover rate was nearly as high as it is now, clearly signaling that working for Harris is nothing less than a total nightmare.

It was also noted that Harris would blast her subordinates with "expletive-laden tirades."

Bombshell resignation

This isn't the first time Harris' office environment has been publicly blasted. One of her former staffers famously blew her boss up in a bombshell resignation letter that exposed just how bad things were behind the scenes.

"I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly," wrote then-State Operations Director Kelly Mehlenbacher. "It is not acceptable to me that we encouraged people to move from Washington, DC to Baltimore only to lay them off with no notice."

There are countless other incidents according to former staffers that prove Harris is not the type of leader that would be good for America.

As Democrats scramble to confirm her nomination, it's safe to say they'll eventually have massive regrets for doing so.

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Thomas Jefferson