House Judiciary requests information about Judge Merchan's daughter's work for Kamala Harris

 August 2, 2024

Judge Juan Merchan, the judge who presided over former President Donald Trump's New York case, isn't in the clear just yet. 

He came under fire during the case and trial over her daughter's work that was heavily anti-Trump, and according to the Washington Examiner, the House GOP is now interested in specifically what Merchan's daughter has done for Vice President Kamala Harris.

Now, Loren Merchan will have to answer to the House Judiciary Committee.

Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) fired off a letter to Loren Merchan with a request "to provide numerous documents and communications related to her work for Authentic Campaigns," which has worked with Trump rivals such as Harris.

What's going on?

The letter from the powerful congressional committee held nothing back in the request for further documentation.

"Experts have raised substantial concerns with Judge [Juan] Merchan, your father, refusing to recuse himself from President Trump’s case despite your work on behalf of President Trump’s political adversaries and the financial benefit that your firm, Authentic Campaigns Inc., could receive from the prosecution and conviction," Jordan wrote in the letter.

Jordan also provided a deadline of Aug. 8 for compliance with the request.

The Examiner noted:

The chairman asked Loren Merchan for contracts or invoices her firm had for marketing work it performed for the campaigns of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris, who is now the presumptive Democratic nominee for president, and the Democratic National Committee.

There were multiple calls, including from Trump, for Judge Merchan to recuse himself from the case as a result of his daughter's anti-Trump activism.

Social media reacts

Users across social media had plenty to say about Jordan's letter to the younger Merchan, and many agreed that the judge should face consequences.

"Anything less than Merchan disbarred and imprisoned will be a failure," one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "It’s absolutely mind-boggling that the FBI and DOJ aren’t already hammering everybody involved in this conspiracy. That you guys have to pick up their slack is mind-boggling."

Only time will tell where the investigation goes from here.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson