Harris came in close proximity of a bomb on Jan. 6, 2021

 August 4, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, on Jan. 6, 2021, came within feet of a deadly bomb. 

This is according to a new report from ABC News, titled, New DHS watchdog report details how close Kamala Harris came to "viable" pipe bomb on Jan. 6. 

Jan. 6, 2021, of course, was the day of the infamous Capitol protest.

Previously, there were reports about a bomb being planted outside of the Democratic National Committee's (DNC) headquarters on Jan. 6. Now, however, it is being reported that Harris came within close proximity of the bomb.

The details

ABC, along with its report, has published a video showing where, outside of DNC headquarters, the bomb was located.

The latest information about the bomb comes from a new report from the Department of Homeland Security's internal watchdog - specifically from Inspector General Joseph Cuffari. Cuffari recently shared the information with members of Congress.

The report, in part, reads, "The pipe bomb had been placed near the building the night before, but ... [a]dvance security sweeps by the Secret Service at the DNC building did not include the outside area where a pipe bomb had been placed"

It goes on to state, "[Harris], traveling in an armored vehicle with her motorcade, entered the DNC building via a ramp within 20 feet of the pipe bomb."

ABC goes on to report that "the pipe bomb was found an hour and 40 minutes after Harris arrived at the DNC building. The report suggests it took the Secret Service 10 minutes to evacuate her, saying that she spent a total of about one hour and 50 minutes inside the building."

More incompetency from the Secret Service?

The Secret Service has found itself facing significant criticism recently after the failed assassination attempt on former President Donald Trump. This new report from Cuffari is not going to help matters.

The New York Post reports:

The report also describes how two Secret Service canine teams assigned to sweep the building were “surprised” additional assets weren’t being provided to help, the report said.

ABC adds, "The report also notes that Secret Service policies and procedures at the time required fewer assets for protectees who had been elected to an office but not yet sworn in."

Since then, these policies and procedures are said to have been changes to allow for more assets for protectees.

On a side note, several years have now passed since Jan. 6, 2021, yet federal authorities still have not tracked down the individual who planted the bomb at DNC headquarters. The FBI is currently offering a $500,000 reward for those who can help find the suspect.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson