Celebrity Judge Joe Brown goes off with controversial criticisms about Kamala Harris

 August 3, 2024

Vice President Kamala Harris, along with her backers among Democrats and the media, have attempted to cite her background as a prosecutor in California as a positive aspect and reason why she should be elected over former President Donald Trump.

Except, according to former reality courtroom TV star Judge Joe Brown, Harris was a "piece of s--t" and "lazy" attorney who lacked "professional competence" and would "hike her skirt up" to compensate for her shortcomings, according to the Washington Examiner.

Brown, who is black, also questioned Harris' claimed black heritage and defended Trump against the left's accusations of racism that only emerged when he entered politics as a Republican.

Brown critiques Harris' record as a prosecutor

Judge Brown recently sat for an interview on "The Art of Dialogue" podcast and was asked for his thoughts on VP Harris now that she had replaced President Joe Biden as the presumptive Democratic nominee.

"She’s a piece of s--t," Brown replied without hesitation. "I was in California, she lacked professional competence, and she worked on it by hiking up her hemline when she needed influence rather than research."

"I was out in California for 15 years doing my show when she was at a peak, and she had a reputation amongst the trial lawyers of being lazy," he continued. "She’d just hike her skirt up and try to flirt, and she wasn’t that good in the courtroom, if not, pretty bad in the courtroom."

Brown went on to assert that "listening to her word salads and the way she talks, I think she's got early-onset dementia and also some problems with menopausal complications."

He provided an example of the sort of "word salad garbage" she often utters that "doesn't make a bit of sense," and suggested, "I think since she’s only 60, she’s actually on a worse track than Biden was. Biden is 20-some years older than her, and he has been senile for a long time."

Brown sparks controversy about Harris' sex and race

Vibe magazine reported that Judge Brown also sparked controversy by delving into old rumors about VP Harris using sex to advance her political career as well as for questioning her claimed black heritage by pointing out the non-black ancestry of her Indian and Jamaican parents.

"If I'm crude about it, in this city years ago I used to represent a whole bunch of pimps and hoes and I know a ho when I see one," Brown said at one point.

"And I'll say this -- I don't care, women, you do what you want to do if you want to have recreational sex, but when you do the casting couch or anything else for professional purposes to get paid or advance -- you a ho, and she's old ho," he added.

Brown appears to support Trump

During a separate part of the lengthy interview, Judge Brown also dismissed the left's accusations of racism against former President Trump by recalling anecdotes he remembered from the 1980s and 90s of Trump being friendly with and financially supportive of black businessmen and celebrities.

In particular, he noted how Trump had helped the Rev. Jesse Jackson with his own two failed presidential runs only to have Jackson later turn on him like so many others he'd previously been friends with.

Brown has also gone on the record in the past to praise Trump during his presidency for lowering black unemployment and for providing record funding to historically black colleges and universities, among other things.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson