Witnesses refute claim Trump tried to take control of the presidential limousine

 August 4, 2024

Eyewitnesses have just refuted the claim that former President Donald Trump once tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limousine. 

The witnesses - who were inside of the limousine when this event was said to have happened - recently said as much to the Department of Homeland Security’s (DHS) Office of the Inspector General (OIG).

The details can be found in the roughly 80-page report that the office has published.

But, if you do not want to read all of that, we will provide the highlights.


The reader may remember that the claim - that Trump tried to grab the steering wheel of the presidential limousine - was made by Cassidy Hutchinson.

The Daily Caller reports:

Cassidy Hutchinson, a former aide to ex-White House chief of staff Mark Meadows, testified to the Jan. 6 Committee in 2022 that she heard from presidential security official Tony Ornato that Trump had lunged for the wheel of “the Beast” after being informed that he was going back to the White House rather than to the Capitol on that day.

"That day," of course, is Jan. 6, 2021, the day of the so-called Capitol riots.

Trump and others had previously blasted Hutchinson's claim as absurd, and many have pointed out that it is very hard to imagine Trump lunging to take control of a limousine.

Now, we have eyewitnesses refuting Hutchinson's claim.

"Those actions did not occur"

The report sums up the testimony that the office received from eyewitnesses.

It, in part, states, "We also interviewed [redacted] Secret Service agents in the limousine with the President. The limousine driver said that the President was angry when his request to go to the Capitol was denied, whereas the President’s detail lead, who was seated in front of the President, said he did not recall if the President was angry."

The report continues, "We asked [redacted] agents whether the President reached for the steering wheel or lunged toward the detail lead when his request to go to the Capitol was denied, and [redacted] witnesses said those actions did not occur."

It ought to be noted that Hutchinson was not interviewed for this report, and this is for the simple fact that she has already provided sworn public testimony about the incident - sworn public testimony that would appear to be false.

It is just as unlikely that Hutchinson will face consequences for her false claims as it is that the mainstream media outlets who pushed Hutchinson's false claims will tell their readers the truth about the incident.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson