Nancy Pelosi reverses claims, admits she did pressure Joe Biden to leave race

 August 6, 2024

On August 5, ran a story with the most up-to-date claims that Nancy Pelosi had been making. "Pelosi denies pressuring Biden to step aside," the article is titled.

To nobody's surprise, Nancy Pelosi has been misleading people when she insisted "I never called anybody." Now, the REAL truth is out.

Nancy Pelosi is CONFIRMING that she did in fact have a conversation with Joe Biden before his decision to drop out.

Pelosi had been misleading everyone by repeating that she "never called anybody." She WANTED you to take that as she wasn't involved in the coup to replace Joe Biden with a person who didn't get any primary votes.

That wasn't the truth

Nancy's assertion that she didn't call anyone was technically true, but the message she wanted you to take from it was 100% false.

While Nancy was implying that she wasn't involved in stabbing Joe Biden in the back after leading him to the wolves by letting him stumble into the presidential debate without admitting his mental decline, she absolutely was. Nancy never called anyone, but you can bet that she answered calls when they came into her!

That's how sick and twisted liberals like Nancy Pelosi are. Instead of telling Americans the truth, she lies right to all of our faces and then isn't held accountable because the way she phrased it might not have TECHNICALLY been a lie.

"I rarely even returned a call, much less initiated one,” she said.

Sorry, Nancy. You told America you were NEVER involved in replacing Joe Biden. Now you're saying you were only "rarely" returning calls.

Pelosi admits Biden needed to go.

About a week after saying the complete opposite, Nancy Pelosi is finally admitting that she actually believed the exact opposite of what she was telling us. Nancy had been asserting that Joe Biden was going to be just fine as America's president.

She's now saying she knew that was not the truth all along:

"I was asking for a campaign that would win," Pelosi said. "And I wasn’t seeing that on the horizon."

"No, I wasn’t the leader of any pressure [on Joe to drop out]," Nancy claimed. "Let me say things that I didn’t do: I didn’t call one person. I did not call one person. I could always say to him, ‘I never called anybody.’"

It should make your blood boil that politicians have such little respect for citizens and our tax dollars that Nancy Pelosi is content letting misinformation like this slide. Nancy Pelosi was absolutely a part of the gang that replaced Joe Biden, and the fact that she previously tried to make us believe she wasn't is NOT okay.

America's federal liberals have simply lost the trust of the United States of America. Let's hope that the ballot boxes reflect that this November.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson