Hunter Biden tax trial approaches as father comes under closer scrutiny

 August 14, 2024

Hunter Biden's felony tax trial is coming up in September, with jury selection set to begin on September 5.

The indictment accuses Hunter Biden of dodging his taxes on $1.4 million in foreign income from 2016 to 2019, a period when Hunter was involved in influence peddling abroad.

Prosecutors have made clear they plan to probe Biden's foreign lobbying efforts in Romania, raising howls of protest from Biden's lawyers.

Twist in Hunter's trial

In a bombshell move last week, prosecutors signaled their intent to call a business associate to testify about a plan to "influence U.S. government policy" on behalf of a Romanian oligarch during Joe Biden's vice presidency.

Hunter's lawyers have accused prosecutors of using the tax case to push irrelevant "politically charged" claims about the Biden family.

In a filing, prosecutor David Weiss noted that Hunter Biden "performed almost no work in exchange for the millions of dollars he received" from companies in China and Ukraine.

Hunter Biden initially was charged with misdemeanor tax offenses, but a plea deal unraveled in court last summer under scrutiny from a judge.

Delaware U.S. attorney David Weiss was then appointed Special Counsel, and he charged Biden with tax and gun felonies.

Joe under scrutiny

Hunter Biden was found guilty in the gun case in June after a trial that delved into salacious details of his personal life. The trial's focus on Hunter Biden's drug use was seen by some as politically beneficial to his father.

The New York Times reported Tuesday that Hunter Biden sought State Department help for the Ukrainian company Burisma Holdings during his father's vice presidency. The shift in the tax case to include allegations about Romania could bring Joe Biden, who is not charged, under further scrutiny.

“The Special Counsel’s unnecessary change of tactic merely echoes the baseless and false allegations of foreign wrongdoing which have been touted by House Republicans to use Mr. Biden’s proper business activities in Romania and elsewhere to attack him and his father,” the defense wrote.

According to Weiss, Hunter Biden took steps to avoid having to register as a foreign agent. Unregistered foreign lobbying is a federal crime, but Biden has not been charged under the Foreign Agents Registration Act (FARA).

Hunter Biden's trial begins on September 9. His sentencing in the gun case falls on November 13.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson