Book details allegations made against Kamala Harris by former campaign staff

 August 30, 2024

Speakers at the Democratic National Convention (DNC) attempted to portray Vice President Kamala Harris as a joyous figure.

However, whistleblowers who took part in Harris' last presidential run say that image hides an unpleasant reality. 

Former staffer: "This person should not be president of the United States"

According to the Daily Caller, their allegations are laid out in a book published earlier this year called, "The Truce: Progressives, Centrists, and the Future of the Democratic Party."

"It was rotten from the start," the book quotes one person described as "a top aide from her 2020 campaign" was quoted as saying.

"A lot of us, at least folks that I was friends with on the campaign, all realized that: 'Yeah, this person should not be president of the United States," the aide added.

Some of the claims echo accusations that have already been publicly aired, such as those leveled by state operations manager Kelly Mehlenbacher in a resignation letter which was leaked to The New York Times.

Harris slammed for failing to care enough about fundraising

"This is my third presidential campaign and I have never seen an organization treat its staff so poorly," Mehlenbacher wrote.

Meanwhile, a consultant was quoted as telling the book's authors that Harris had the wrong priorities when it came to handling money.

"She cared less about how much money I was raising for her and more about what I was doing to create a good inclusive workspace," the consultant lamented.

Interestingly, the Daily Caller recalled how when announcing the end of her Democratic primary campaign in December of 2019, Harris pointed to her lack of fundraising success as being a factor.

Open strife between Harris' sister and campaign manager

What's more, "The Truce" recounted petty squabbles which played out between Harris' sister, Maya Harris, and her campaign manager Juan Rodriguez.

"It was the most awkward day of my life," one staff member said of being forced to attend separate meetings with Maya Harris and Rodriguez.

"People were literally having a thirty-minute audit meeting with Juan about how the campaign was going and then they were walking across the hall into the same meeting with Maya," the staffer called.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson