Justice Amy Coney Barrett began wearing body armor following recent threat

 September 10, 2024

Supreme Court Justice Amy Coney Barrett revealed that she was recently forced to begin wearing body armor in response to a death threat. 

Newsweek reported that Barret discussed the ordeal this past Friday while speaking at the Tenth Circuit's judicial conference in Colorado Springs.

Barrett's son said her bulletproof vest was "cool"

The justice recounted how at one point her 13-year-old son saw his mother's bulletproof vest laying on her bed, prompting Barrett to be concerned that he might be overcome with worry.

However, she told Judges Jerome A. Holmes and Allison H. Eid that far from being troubled, the young man said the vest was "cool" and asked if he could try it on.

The justice went on to joke that this was one of the "parenting experiences" which she had not "quite prepared for" when joining America's highest judicial body.

Newsweek pointed out that while Barrett did not go into detail about the threat in question, it was likely made by January 6 defendant Bradley Scott Nelson.

Nelson allegedly wished that someone would cut justice's throat "from ear to ear."

CBS News stated last month that Nelson's bail was revoked last month after he allegedly expressed a desire to see Barret's throat "from ear to ear."

Nelson's alleged comment came after Barrett dissented in Fischer v. U.S, a case which found that a law passed following the Enron financial scandal could not be used to prosecute most January 6 defendants.

This is not the first time that Barrett has faced potential danger, as she was also targeted by pro-abortion militants two years ago.

According to Fox News, the radical group known as Ruth Sent Us publicized the details of her daily schedule as well as the school which her children attend.

Armed man charged with plotting to assassinate Justice Brett Kavanaugh

Nor has Barrett been the only justice to come under threat, as a man was charged in June of 2022 with plotting to murder fellow conservative Justice Brett Kavanaugh.

As Fox News noted, 26-year-old California resident Nicholas John Roske was arrested outside Kavanaugh's Maryland home.

Roske was allegedly armed with a knife, a handgun, ammunition, zip ties, pepper spray, and duct tape. He reportedly told police that he intended to kill Kavanagh in revenge for his having voted to overturn Roe v. Wade.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson