Hillary Clinton defends Kamala Harris dodging questions about her policy ideas to the press

 September 19, 2024

Since being anointed as the Democratic Party's presidential nominee in the wake of the successful ouster of President Joe Biden, Vice President Kamala Harris has worked overtime to dodge serious questions regarding her policies. 

According to Fox News, as she continues to dodge such questions -- questions that any American voter should want to know -- she's receiving high-level block-and-tackle from Democratic allies propping her up, including failed presidential candidate Hillary Clinton.

During a recent interview, Clinton defended Harris for not speaking publicly about her policies, suggesting that the policies are on Harris' website and anyone is free to research them on their own.

Clinton's defense of Harris' lack of pushing her policies on the campaign trail came during an interview with podcast host Kara Swisher on the "On with Kara Swisher" podcast this week.

What did she say?

Clinton, who has lost multiple bids to be the president, insisted that Harris doesn't have to answer policy-related questions.

"She does not have to do it, Kara. I'm going to just cut to the chase," she told Swisher on the podcast.

"In fact, she's put out policies on her campaign website. Anybody who's truly interested can go and read about them. She referenced policies. She actually doesn't just have policies and concepts. She has plans about what to do," Clinton said.

It was noted that Harris only added that information to her website this month, which happened to come in the wake of growing concerns among her own party colleagues regarding the lack of policy talk on her part.

Clinton called the issue a "double standard" and, as usual, invoked the gender card as a defense.

"I think it's, um, you know, it's a double standard, and it's a double standard that is partly because they are still getting to know her. But also because they're still grappling with the idea like, ‘Oh, am I really going to vote for a woman to be president and commander in chief?’" Clinton said.

Social media torches her

Users across social media slammed Clinton for defending Harris.

"Did it never occur to her that reminding the voters, at this pivotal point in the election, about how awful she’d have been as president might just make people wonder how awful Kamala would be as president??" one X user wrote.

Another X user wrote, "Just when you think they have said the Dumbest thing in history, they start talking again."

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Thomas Jefferson