Congressman accuses Biden admin of 'coaching migrants'

 September 21, 2024

U.S. Rep. Darrell Issa (R-CA) says that the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris has been "coaching migrants" about how to get asylum. 

Issa, a member of the House Foreign Affairs Committee, made the claim during a committee hearing on Thursday, Fox News reports.

According to Issa, not only is the administration "coaching migrants" but it is using the tax dollars of law-abiding Americans to do so.

This is the latest on the southern border crisis that has been brought about by the administration's open-border policies.

Here's what's going on:

During Thursday's hearing, the committee heard from Julieta Valls Noyes, the assistant secretary for the Bureau of Population, Refugees, and Migration (PRM) at the State Department.

There, Issa took Valls Noyes to task for what the department has been up to, saying, "Your department is responsible for giving us knowingly false information."

According to Fox, here, Issa was referring to "the department’s PRM program funding a nonprofit organization known as the Hebrew Immigrant Aid Society (HIAS)."

Issa went on to say:

We were told… PRM has not funded and does not fund legal representation or counseling related to immigration proceedings. Again, later, in December, from the government of Mexico, PRM does not fund legal representation or counseling related to U.S. immigration proceedings and legal assistance provided to those in Mexico is solely for the Mexican legal processes.

"Under the rules of US 18 Title 1001, is that a true statement? Either of those?" the congressman asked Valls Noyes.

It's a "yes"

Issa did get Valls Noyes to respond in the affirmative to this question. This is when the congressman showed how the department has been explaining, in Spanish, the best way for a migrant to use the asylum system to get into America.

Valls Noyes then tried to claim that the funding for this was not from PRM. But, the congressman wasn't having it.

He said:

Ma’am, I’m going to make something very clear to you. The intent of Congress is not to use the fungibility of money to give to an organization that goes out with the people that you are funding and those people and that organization do something inconsistent with what you tell Congress your mandate is.

Issa went on to accuse Valls Noyes of explaining to migrants how to enter the U.S. at the "federal taxpayers' expense."

In a subsequent interview, Issa said that the department, here, essentially got "caught with [its[ hand in the cookie jar," which is why, he said, it is trying to "deny the cookie jar" as well as "Deny [what] the hand [did]."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson