Biden calls for more gun control after releasing Russian arms trafficker

 December 9, 2022

In a move which left many conservatives furious, President Joe Biden launched a renew call for gun control on the same day that he released a Russian arms trafficker. 

As Breitbart noted, Biden complained on Wednesday night to attendees at the 10th Annual National Vigil for All Victims of Gun Violence that existing efforts to restrict gun ownership "are still not enough."

Biden wants to restrict the "type of weapons that can be purchased"

"Our work continues to limit the number of bullets that can be in a cartridge," the president declared, apparently confusing the term "cartridge" with "magazine."

Biden went on to insist that he would also try to limit the "type of weapons that can be purchased and sold," as well as "attempt to ban assault weapons, a whole range of things that are just common sense."

Yet those remarks came just hours after the president allowed for the release of Viktor Bout, a Russian arms trafficker who has been nicknamed the "Merchant of Death."

According to Fox News, Bout was caught in a 2008 sting operation attempting to sell $20 million worth of weapons to the Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia, a Marxist anti-American terror group.

This included offering advanced surface-to-air missiles along with automatic weapons, sniper rifles, and five tons of plastic explosives. Bout served as inspiration for Nicholas Cage's character in the 2005 film "Lord of War."

Former intelligence official calls Bout's release "a big mistake"

Former Defense Intelligence Agency officer Rebekah Koffler is the author of "Putin's Playbook: Russia's Secret Plan to Defeat America," and she told Fox News that Bout is regarded by Russia as a "high-value asset."

"Moscow wants him back because he possesses critical insights that he can share with the GRU, his former agency," Koffler was quoted as saying.

"Having been in a U.S. prison and interrogated by U.S. officials, he knows what our intelligence requirements are and other information that is valuable for the Russians," she continued, adding that handing over Bout would be "a big mistake."

Bout is being freed in exchange for the release of female professional basketball player Brittney Griner, who was imprisoned in Russia after being caught with oils derived from cannabis in a Moscow airport.

Griner has previously been highly critical of the United States and refused to stand for the national anthem at WNBA games.

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