Biden Getting Anxious And Angry About Reelection Efforts

 March 18, 2024

President Joe Biden is DONE.

You cannot deny the evidence.

When it comes to the history of approval ratings, Biden should be terrified.

According to data from a Gallup survey, Biden’s 38% approval rating is lower than any of the last three presidents who lost their re-election.

(Jimmy Carter: 43%, George H.W. Bush: 39%, and Donald Trump: 48%.)

Now, a statement from Biden’s campaign chair, Jen O’Malley Dillon, PROVES the Biden administration knows they need to act fast if they want any chance of securing the White House for a second term.

“We know that he lost in 2020. In order to win, he’s got to expand his base of voters to find new people to be with him. And that is not something he’s shown that he’s really focused on,” said O’Malley Dillon.

However, despite this shocking statistic and the numerous concerns that have been raised by members of his own party – Joe Biden hasn't made the necessary changes.

He's just stewed about the problems instead of fixing them.

If the president is feeling any emotion – it is rage.

The president genuinely believes he has done a good job and is not getting enough credit for his accomplishments.

In fact, when it comes to doing a good job, one area the president feels he is not getting credit for is his actions surrounding Hamas and Israel.

According to NBC News, Joe Biden was fuming over his poll numbers tanking due to his decisions regarding the middle east conflict.

In a private discussion, Biden vocalized that he believed he had done the right thing.

At this point in the game, even his OWN PARTY is getting sick of him and the childlike tantrums.

Representative Adam Smith let Joe Biden HAVE IT in a recent statement.

“Biden stood up in front of the whole world and said, ‘I’m ready. I’m the guy who can take down Donald Trump. So, he goddamn well better do it. We don’t have time for him to be worried about whether or not people are saying things right or the poll numbers are where they should be. I want focused energy and not defensive anger,” Smith said.

Joe Biden should step down.

Even members of his own party have drawn this conclusion.

How long will it take the Biden administration to wake up and face reality?

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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