CNN host says Democratic efforts to remove Biden continue behind the scenes

 July 16, 2024

Attention shifted away from President Joe Biden in recent days following an attempt to President Donald Trump that left a man dead and two others wounded.

Yet according to CNN host John King a plot by some Democrats to push Biden off the ticket is continuing to play out behind the scenes. 

"We are past the point of no return"

"The reporting I have is that privately, the efforts to nudge President Biden to step aside and get out of the race are continuing quite aggressively, even though the public calls have quieted quite significantly," Breitbart quoted King as saying on Monday.

"The public calls have quieted A, because of the tragedy of Saturday, the attempted assassination. Also, Democrats believe they need to have a unified message while the Republicans are having their convention," the host explained.

"Then the president, again today in the Lester Holt interview, said he's not getting out of the race, so Democrats believe it's counterproductive to be in a public argument with the leader of the party," King pointed out.

"But I'm told that Democratic members of Congress continued to lobby the White House, the president's inner circle," the television anchor stressed.

He concluded by saying, "They are making the case that we are past the point of no return and that President Biden is not only going to lose, but he is going to lose in a way that will wipe out the party."

Democratic congresswoman says Biden should go

Biden has faced calls from a growing number of Democrats to be replaced as their party's nominee since his disastrous debate last month against Trump.

The Hill reported that Colorado Democratic Rep. Brittany Pettersen became the latest lawmaker to voice such sentiments in a social media post this past Friday.

"Joe Biden saved our country once, and I'm joining the growing number of people in my district and across the country to ask him to do it again," Pettersen wrote.

"Please pass the torch"

"Please pass the torch to one of our many capable Democratic leaders so we have the best chance to defeat Donald Trump, who is the greatest threat to the foundation of this country that we have ever faced," she continued.

The Democrat congresswoman then went on to express a sense of "deep admiration" and "love" for the president as well as his record.

Yet as Pettersen drew to a close,  she declared that her "son and my constituents can't suffer the consequences of inaction at this critical moment."

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson