CNN's Ana Navarro Bizarrely Claims Trump Will Be 'Pregnant' With 'Consequences of Dobbs'

 September 4, 2024

CNN's Senior political correspondent Ana Navarro bizarrely claimed that former President Donald Trump would be "pregnant” with the “consequences” of overturning Roe v. Wade.

During Tuesday's broadcast of  CNN’s “News Central” Navarro was discussing an upcoming vote on Florida's six-week abortion ban with anchor Brianna Keilar. During this discussion, Navarro tied this vote back to former President Donald Trump, who appointed the Supreme Court justices who finally killed Roe v. Wade.

Keilar opened by asking Navarro "Can you talk a little bit about the strategy of taking it, this message to Trump’s backyard and the campaign doing that? What is to be gained with that as the backdrop, as we see this very significant referendum vote happening here shortly in Florida on their six-week abortion ban?”

She responded by saying, "Well, I think there’s credible reasons that make a logical to start it in Palm Beach. One is the fact that the issue is on the ballot in Florida. But also that you can point down the road ten miles away from where we were, lives, Donald Trump. You have got to tie Donald Trump to the consequences of Dobbs that have resulted in these horror stories women are having to endure.”

Democrats know their strongest weapon against Trump in November's election will be abortion. Despite Trump being an avowed centrist on the issue, Democrats know they can win votes with women if they continue to harp on abortion.

Abortion Is Dems Last Hope

Vice President Kamala Harris is getting killed on nearly every front by Trump, especially the economy and foreign policy.

Democrats must get the conversation away from the economy and the one tool they have is abortion. Trump's Supreme Court appointees were instrumental in getting Roe v. Wade overturned and returning the issue to the states.

This led to Navarro's bizarre and cringeworthy rant as she stated, "Donald Trump wants to be a little bit pregnant on Dobbs, right? In front of some audiences, he takes pride and credit for having gotten Roe v. Wade overturned. In front of other audiences, he wants to keep a distance. On the one hand, he tells you he wants more than six weeks, but then he tells you within 24 hours that he’s going to vote no on Amendment 4."

Essentially, Navarrow doesn't seem to understand that Trump is a centrist and has always been a centrist on abortion and the Supreme Court's overturning of Roe v. Wade was less a repudiation of abortion and more of a correction of a legal error.

Trump has been clear that he believes abortion is an issue that should be debated and sorted out by each individual state.

So this is why Trump can be louder or quieter about Roe v. Wade depending on the crowd he's talking to. But to Navarro, anyone who doesn't support third-trimester abortions is a radical who wants to enslave women.

Dangerous Trap

Trump has little to gain from the abortion debate, pro-life voters are going to vote for him regardless of the grumblings about his centrism and statements on not supporting a federal ban.

But Trump has everything to lose by focusing on abortion as center-left women will absolutely disregard the state of the economy to defend abortion. Abortion is more important to women voters than anything else.

The Trump campaign should absolutely pay attention to the vote in Florida as Florida is a deep red state and should abortion win there it signals danger in key swing states.

The Trump campaign must keep the focus on the economy and foreign policy as Harris has no hope for any success in those areas. November's election will be close no matter what and Trump must campaign on his strengths, not his weaknesses.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson