Conservative comedian forced out of Pelosi book-signing event after asking wealthy politician 'what stocks I should buy'

 September 10, 2024

Former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) has come under sharp scrutiny for the inordinate success of her husband Paul Pelosi's stock trading portfolio, which some critics assert is the lucrative result of his trading on insider information that only she and others in Congress are aware of.

On Saturday, an undercover conservative comedian was physically escorted out of a book signing event in Texas after he called Pelosi the "greatest options trader of all time" and asked her what stocks he should purchase, according to the New York Post.

The comedian, who posed as an average Democratic voter and delivered a humorous recitation of various leftist talking points, was forced out of the event to a chorus of boos from actual attendees after it became clear that he was trolling the long-serving California politician who's become extraordinarily wealthy on her six-figure congressional salary.

Buttering up Pelosi with faux flattery

That conservative comedian is Alex Strenger, and he claimed in an X post on Saturday that he was "assaulted" by former Speaker Pelosi's "Security Detail when all I wanted was stock advice."

Strenger, who was wearing a Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) campaign hat and "White Dudes for Harris" campaign shirt in addition to a cloth mask, approached Pelosi while she was signing copies of her new book, "The Art of Power," at a bookstore in Austin, Texas, and introduced himself as "Noah."

His bit began with faux flattery about her "fierce" and "staunch" defense of "democracy" and his purported fear that the only way to defeat former President Donald Trump would be to imprison him, to which Pelosi seemingly agreed and replied, "We just have to win the election."

Just wanted to "know what stocks to buy" so he could "close the wealth gap"

Then, Mediaite reported, as members of former Speaker Pelosi's security detail moved in and began to push Strenger away from the politician's table, the comedian shouted, "Nancy, listen ... Last question. What stocks should I buy? Nancy, you’re the greatest options trader of all time. I just want to know what stocks I should buy."

As Pelosi's security and local police continued to escort Strenger toward the exit, he reverted to the leftist talking points and income inequality and loudly declared, "The police are an instrumental institution of white supremacy and racism. I don’t understand why they are even here at all. They should be defunded."

"I just want to know, she makes six figures a year in Congress and has a hundred million dollar net worth. Don’t y’all want to know what stocks we should buy?" he exhorted the increasingly exasperated crowd of actual Pelosi supporters who began to boo and shout over top of him.

Strenger added, as he was pushed out the door, "Come on. I just want to know. I just want to know what stocks to buy. I want to close the wealth gap. What’s the problem? I just want to close the wealth gap."

How did Pelosi and her husband get so rich?

As noted by the Post, former Speaker Pelosi and her husband Paul have regularly outperformed the average market investor with conveniently well-timed options calls on various blue-chip stocks that typically coincide closely with legislative or executive action that impacts the profitability of the traded companies.

That has prompted substantial scrutiny of their trading moves and led to accusations of illicit gains derived from trading on inside information not available to the average investor.

Making matters worse for Pelosi is the fact that, on the handful of occasions that a few bold bipartisan lawmakers have attempted to introduce legislation to restrict stock market trading for members of Congress and their spouses, the former Speaker has been dismissive or even vehemently opposed such measures.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson