Ex-Trump official claims former president has 'learning disabilities"

 August 31, 2024

Anthony Scaramucci, the one-time communications director of the Trump administration, just claimed that the former president "probably" has "learning disabilities."

Scaramucci, according to Breitbart News, said as much on Friday, during an appearance on CNN's The Situation Room. 

There, host Alex Marquardt asked him this:

Speaking of that interview that our colleague Dana Bash did with Kamala Harris yesterday, Trump has responded. He called Harris low-energy but he said not too much about the substance of the interview. What does that tell you?

Scaramucci, in response, put forth what has to be one of the most absurd theories about Trump ever.

"Various learning disabilities"

In his response, Scaramucci claimed that Trump "has a problem reading and probably various learning disabilities."

He said:

[Trump is] a perception guy. He’s a very aesthetic person, because, you know, he has a problem reading and probably various learning disabilities, so he’s working off the aesthetics of the moment. He’s pressured by her, the content of her policy. He sitting there, he said very derogatory things about her, which I won’t mention on this air.

Scaramucci, of course, did not offer any evidence to back any of this up.

He, instead, continued:

But [Trump is] looking at her saying, wait a minute, the things I’m saying about or doesn’t match up with the content that she’s providing right now. He’s worried about it. So he’s trying to figure out if he can out muscle her or bully her without being substantial. I think he’s going to be surprised by her. I think she’s consistently outperforming and she’s consistently exceeding expectations of her. She’s going to be a very formidable candidate come November.

One wonders if even CNN's viewers believe any of this. It is that far-fetched.


In related news, Robert F. Kennedy Jr. recently joined up with Trump's 2024 campaign, and Kennedy's mate mate, Nicole Shanahan, did as well.

Shanahan, in a major contribution to the Trump campaign, recently released an advertisement about "Trump Derangement Syndrome." The ad has garnered significant attention.

The main thrust of the ad is to highlight the fact that "Trump Derangement Syndrome" is a real phenomenon and to argue that the cure is "independence," by which Shanahan meant political independence from America's two-party system.

The ad, which is a little under two minutes, is certainly worth a watch. If you have some time, take a look:

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson