Exact terms of presidential debates still up in the air

 August 27, 2024

Kamala Harris has been getting literally everything she wants in terms of the 2024 Election. The woman didn't even have to win a single primary to be put at the head of the Democratic Party.

Donald Trump is officially REVERSING this trend and holding Kamala Harris' feet to the fire.

Recent reports have come out that Donald Trump is threatening to DROP OUT of at least one of the planned presidential debates this fall if Kamala Harris doesn't relax a little bit about having her way about every little item.

Kamala Harris' logic was that Trump was willing to make every concession imaginable just to get Biden to the debate table, so Trump should be that lax with her.

Trump's playing to WIN

When the debates were originally agreed upon, Donald Trump only felt the need to agree to two debates, and both were pretty much on Joe Biden's terms. That's because Joe Biden was failing so badly that all Trump had to do was to get Joe in front of America and we would realize that Joe was no longer a realistic voting option.

Kamala Harris is not Joe Biden, though. Sure, she might be even more incompetent as a leader; and sure, she might be even more radical when it comes to her political positions... but there's absolutely zero arguing that Kamala Harris has way more momentum toward the presidency than Joe Biden did.

Back when Trump was debating Joe Biden, Trump was simply showing America how old Joe Biden had become. Now that Kamala Harris is Trump's opponent, the rules of these debates become WAY more important because Joe Biden isn't going to lose himself the race regardless.

New agreements with Kamala

When Kamala Harris was first illegally gifted the nomination and RFK Jr. and Dean Phillips were left with NOTHING despite their legitimate campaign attempts, she tried to hold Trump to the deal that Donald had made with Joe Biden's campaign.

Trump obviously didn't like that, as he had made that deal with JOE BIDEN, not Kamala Harris. What Trump needs out of the debates is COMPLETELY different when you change his opponent from Joe Biden to Kamala Harris.

With Joe Biden, Trump only had to let America see how far Joe had declined. With Kamala Harris, Trump might need a little bit of time to break down her literally communist political positions.

Kamala Harris doesn't want Trump to have a chance to do that, so she was trying to stick to the deal Trump had made with Biden. As you may have guessed, Donald Trump does NOT want to be bullied in this situation.

As of now, the September 10 debate on ABC is the only one that both campaigns have officially agreed to. Trump has already brought up how he's not happy that the debate is being held on ABC, as Kamala Harris is quite snuggly with one of the big boss ladies over at ABC.

Donald Trump has to make a decision soon on how to get Kamala to debate him on his terms, but assuming the debate is held under fair circumstances, Donald will probably benefit in the polls from debating Kamala. Only time will tell what Donald Trump and Kamala Harris ultimately end up agreeing on, but let's pray that Kamala Harris isn't able to use other federal liberals to pressure Trump into an unfair situation. All Republicans can do right now is trust in The Donald, and pray for the best!

Let's speak at the ballot box this November to make sure Kamala Harris gets exactly what she deserves.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson