Far-left 'Squad' leader ridiculed for not being 'progressive' enough

 June 24, 2024

A member of the far-left "Squad" was recently criticized for not being even further to the left than she is. 

The New York Post reports that such criticism was recently leveled at U.S. Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-NY).

One would think that it would be difficult to find a politician further to the left than Ocasio-Cortez. But, still, some Democrats are not happy with her.

This all took place at a rally that was held on Saturday for U.S. Rep. Jamaal Bowman (D-NY), another member of the "squad." It is appearing more and more likely that Bowman may end up being to first "squad" member to be eliminated from Congress.

Here's what happened at the rally:

Bowman enlisted both Ocasio-Cortez and U.S. Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) for his rally. The scene was chaotic, to say the least.

The Post reports that, throughout his speech, Bowman used threatening language, such as, "Our people are more powerful than their power. It is time for us to show them the real power of the people. We’re going to show them how mighty we are … We are gonna show f****** AIPAC the power of the motherf****** South Bronx."

Bowman, at another point, according to the outlet "lifted up a stool and exhorted the crowd to chant  'ceasefire now.'"

Bowman, like just about all members of the "squad," has voiced support for Palestine, following Hamas' attack on the Israel people.

Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders also pushed anti-Isreal messaging.

Here's the crazy part

Despite what was going on inside the rally - despite all the anti-Israel rhetoric - there were actually protests that took place outside the rally criticizing Ocasio-Cortez and Sanders for not being even more pro-Palestine than they already are.

The Post reports:

[O]utside the park, the anti-Israel group Within Our Lifetime, run by radicals Nerdeen Kiswani and Fatima Mousa, hosted their “Flood the Bronx for Gaza” to counter the rally to rip Sanders and AOC as “sellouts” for not backing Palestine enough to their liking. Some banged drums while others held signs with slogans like “For class war to free Palestine! Dump Genocide Joe and the Squad.”

The outlet reports that, despite the fact that these counterprotests were happening "in plain sight," Ocasio-Cortez, Sanders, and the others pretended to ignore them.

It is crazy to think that there are people in America who believe that Ocasio-Cortez, Bowman, and Sanders are not far enough to the left on the Israel-Palestine conflict.

This probably says a lot about the current state of the country.

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