Former Kathy Hochul chief of staff and husband arrested, accused of being Chinese spy

 September 4, 2024

The former chief of staff to New York Governor Kathy Hockul was arrested Tuesday along with her husband and accused of acting as undisclosed agents of the Chinese Communist government.

Linda Sun, 41, allegedly prevented representatives of the Taiwanese government from meeting with Hochul and other New York officials and changed messaging about the CCP.

Prosecutors say she used the money paid to her and her husband by China to buy their home in Manassett, a $2.1 million condo in Hawaii, and luxury vehicles.

The pair is also charged with laundering the money they received, and her husband Chris Hu is charged with conspiracy to commit bank fraud and misuse of means of identification.

Repeated violations

Sun posted bond of $1.5 million and was released. Her husband posted bond of $500,000 and was also released.

The indictment alleges Sun "repeatedly violated internal rules and protocols" of the NY governor's office to "provide improper benefits" to China and the Communist Party, according to the Department of Justice.

US attorney Breon Peace said about the case, "As alleged, while appearing to serve the people of New York as Deputy Chief of Staff within the New York State Executive Chamber, the defendant and her husband actually worked to further the interests of the Chinese government and the CCP."

"The illicit scheme enriched the defendant’s family to the tune of millions of dollars," he added. "Our Office will act decisively to prosecute those who serve as undisclosed agents of a foreign government."

Misconduct found

Sun has worked in New York politics for 15 years. For former Governor Andrew Cuomo (D), Sun served as Global New York Trade Manager, Asian Outreach Director for the Office of the Governor and Queens Regional Representative.

She was made chief diversity officer by Cuomo in 2018.

Hochul's administration said that Sun was dismissed from service in November 2022 when misconduct was found, but the nature of the misconduct was not disclosed.

Sun then became deputy commissioner for strategic business development for the New York Department of Labor, but left that position in March 2023 to run the unsuccessful congressional campaign of Democrat Austin Cheng.

Hochul's administration said Sun's misconduct was referred to law enforcement at the time of her dismissal.

"This individual was hired by the Executive Chamber more than a decade ago. We terminated her employment in March 2023 after discovering evidence of misconduct, immediately reported her actions to law enforcement and have assisted law enforcement throughout this process," a statement from Hochul's office read.

Hochul was appointed governor after Cuomo stepped down due to numerous allegations of sexual misconduct with staffers, and was later elected to the position.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson