Fox News suffers brutal ratings collapse, Tucker Carlson is getting the last laugh

 July 21, 2023

Fox News's ratings are collapsing in the aftermath of the organizations divorce with conservative host Tucker Carlson who seems to be getting the last laugh as the ratings are coming in.

While Fox News is still outperforming its competitors like CNN and MSNBC, they are still experiencing a worrying ratings collapse. Last week, Fox News pulled in 130,000 demo viewers.

MSNBC barely cleared the benchmark 100,000 mark with 105,000 demo viewers while CNN was far behind at 89,000 demo viewers.

But those numbers aren't a cause for Fox News to celebrate. Since Carlson was booted out at Fox News, they have lost 58% of their primetime demo viewers and 41% of its total day demo viewers.

Fox News threw out their biggest draw and now Americans are going elsewhere for their news. Many viewers followed Carlson on his independent journey as the muzzle is off and he is no longer filtered by Fox News.

Fox News dying

Fox News has been able to dominate cable news because of the conservative viewer base. Now they are betraying that viewer base by getting rid of Carlson in hopes of appeasing the left.

Leftist viewers aren't going to replace those who left with Carlson raising questions about what Fox News's leadership was thinking by firing their greatest asset.

Breitbart News reported, "Both CNN and Fox News suffered big losses in total viewers. Compared to last year, Fox News lost 32 percent of total primetime viewers and 21 percent of total total day viewers."

Considering that the presidential campaign is getting underway, Americans should be tuning in to the big cable networks more than normal.

What would typically be a growing time for networks like Fox and CNN has been the opposite. The big networks are collapsing as Americans go for more independent sources like Tucker Carlson's Twitter page.

Carlson is making the most of his opportunity and has more influence in the Republican Party than ever.

Carlson's profile growing

While Fox News collapses, Tucker Carlson is taking his place as one of the most influential figures in the Republican Party. Carlson's questioning at a recent conservative summit may very well have ended multiple Republican candidates presidential ambitions.

Carlson's tough questions seemingly destroyed the ambitions of both former Arkansas Governor Asa Hutchinson as well as former Vice President Mike Pence.

Both candidates were resoundingly booed by the audience of roughly 2,000 after Carlson cornered them on key issues. Carlson could very well decide who wins the GOP nomination while Fox News flounders and falls into mediocrity.

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