Illegal border crossings surge during Biden-Harris admin

 August 19, 2024

The latest figures show that illegal southern border crossings have surged under the administration of President Joe Biden and Vice President Kamala Harris. 

"Surged," in fact, does not really do justice to the situation. Perhaps, "exploded" is more apt.

U.S. Customs and Border Protection, according to Just the News, put out the latest figures on the situation on Friday.

What the numbers establish is that the Biden-Harris administration has made history, but not in a good way.

Over 10 million illegal crossing

This is what the numbers show: 10.5 million illegal entries into the United States via the U.S.-Mexico border since Biden and Harris took office.

"Despite these claims, the total number of apprehended illegal border crossers surpassed 10.5 million in July with two months left in the fiscal year, which ends Sept. 30." Just the News reports.

This, however, is not even the whole story. The outlet continues, "That number excludes 2 million gotaways, those who illegally entered and evaded capture, bringing the total number to more than 12.5 million."

To help put this into perspective, Just the News explains, "That is greater than the individual populations of 45 states. If illegal border crossers were a state, they’d be the sixth most populous state ahead of Illinois."

It adds, "No other presidential administration in U.S. history has ever reported even a fraction of 12.5 million in one term let alone multiple terms combined." And, the even crazier part is that some believe the actual number is far greater than 12 million.

Harris "absolutely" understands

U.S. Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), over the weekend, tried to claim that Harris understand the border crisis.

"Yes, she does, absolutely. And I think when we talk about some of the Democrats in the United States Senate that weren't really getting it in 2022 now they get it," he said.

Kelly added, "So she's been working on this issue. Border crossings on the Arizona border are down substantially. She's been focused on this issue where the former President is trying to undermine our border security."

It is hard to make sense of Kelly's statement given the 12.5 million figure. Harris has failed to such an extent that one has to wonder whether the failure was intentional. We'll leave that for you to decide.

Former President Donald Trump, over the weekend, put out a statement, saying:

If Kamala wins, you will have Mass Amnesty and citizenship for all the Biden-Harris illegals—if I win, you will have the largest deportation operation in American History, starting at noon on Inauguration Day 2025.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson