In a painfully Gen Z rant, Kamala Harris's 'woke' stepdaughter promotes ketamine and less work

 August 19, 2024

First Families and potential first families often take the spotlight during a presidential campaign, and for Democrat nominee Kamala Harris, the American people are faced with the strange conundrum of being faced with her stepchildren, in lieu of seeing what the candidate might actually do as a parent.

Much to the chagrin of many, Harris' overtly woke stepchildren have taken to the campaign trail to push their parents' progressive agenda.

The frustration isn't on the side one might think, however, since the Gen-Z-centric rant was painful and likely did more harm than good to her infamous stepmother.

Ellen Emhoff, Kamala Harris's stepdaughter, pushed for ketamine infusion therapy and shorter work weeks after she said she has a painful spinal condition, as The Daily Mail reported.

From the Rant

Emhoff, who is 25 years old, told her 345,000 Instagram followers this week that she thought the drug could help her "bad chronic back pain" that she has had all her life.

"I was born with a tethered spine (iykyk) which caused my back to not properly lengthen when I was growing and caused a kyphosis (hunchback)" she wrote.

This week, five people, including two doctors, were arrested in connection with Matthew Perry's overdose, which brought the issue of ketamine's effectiveness to the forefront of the medical community's discussion.

Emhoff, in her recent Instagram stories, said that she had been dealing with back discomfort during her teens, which required her to frequently visit doctors and undergo physical therapy.

More from Emhoff's Story

She continued by saying that even though she "grew a million inches" following her lower back surgery, the discomfort she was in at the time persisted.

In instance, her tethered spine—a condition in which the spinal cord gets lodged inside the spinal canal—can cause paralysis and trapped nerves.

The self-proclaimed activist, fashion designer, and model Emhoff, who is signed with IMG, sought advice from other people who suffer from chronic pain about how to manage their condition and find comfort.

Among the many possible remedies she listed in her "Big Pain Management List" Google Sheet was ketamine infusions.

From the Republican Side

On the Republican side of the presidential race, Barron Trump, former President Donald Trump's son, and his teen influencer friend Bo Loudon have been using their skills on social media as well to build the candidate's arsenal targeting Gen Z voters.

While both candidates have the potential to engage millions of young voters through strategic social media campaigns, the question remains: whose social media champions will attract the most voters.

The 78-year-old former president has been receiving private briefings from the tech-savvy teens regarding the emerging landscape of influencers, TikTok, YouTube, and other social media stars who have millions of followers and influence voters.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson