In AOC's 'Red Light' neighborhood: state troopers and NYPD crack down on prostitution and crime

 October 21, 2024

New York state troopers have been sent to assist in cleaning up a seedy strip in Queens that is rife with criminal activity. 

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a supporter of "defund the police," is the Congressional representitave for a portion of the district in this strip.

Prostitution, illegal sellers, and robberies are all prevalent in this specific area, as Fox News reported.

The Sting

The troopers' arrival is a part of "Operation Restore Roosevelt," a multi-agency crackdown on criminal activity spearheaded by the city's troubled mayor.

The plan is to restore law and order to the commercial strip, which one Democratic lawmaker characterized as "having more brothels than bodegas."

Over the next 90 days, the mayor hopes to impose these measures.

Elmhurst, North Corona, and Jackson Heights are migratory neighborhoods that are home to a large number of prostitutes who are known to be dressed scantily and who engage in prostitution at all hours of the day and night.

This red-light district is nearly two miles long and is covered by the operation.

The District

In the notorious neighborhood, which was once called "Third World meets Bangkok," migrant prostitutes in skimpy clothing loiter along a long commercial strip at all hours of the day and night.

The sex workers are said to shamelessly solicit sex from passersby while their pimps instill fear in local business owners.

One store owner told Fox News Digital that he is about to close his doors after receiving threats for speaking out.

Outside Influence

Roosevelt Avenue in Queens, which includes the immigrant-heavy neighborhoods of Corona, Jackson Heights, and Elmhurst, has turned into a breeding ground for one of the oldest occupations in the world.

Locals claim that the majority of police and elected officials are ignoring the grim situation, which resembles the red-light district streets of Bangkok more than any major American city.

Additionally, there is an abundance of illegal vendors on the sidewalks, engaging in activities that locals have described as "Third World" in appearance.

These vendors cook food outdoors without proper health certifications or inspections, and birds swoop down on the leftovers, leaving droppings in their wake.

Previous Raid

Locals claim that the presence of alleged sex workers, primarily Asian and Hispanic women, fills the sidewalks on a daily basis, and that students routinely pass by them on their way to school or to the nearby taekwondo centers located along the busy strip.

Three individuals were apprehended by the New York Police Department during a raid on a brothel site off Roosevelt Avenue on September 18.

A woman and her accused john came out of the same building as the raided premises the following evening while journalists conducted an interview outside.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson