Judiciary Committee subpoenas censorship org relied on by the Biden admin

 August 31, 2023

House Republicans, so far, are sticking to their vows to investigate President Joe Biden and his administration.

According to Breitbart, that was evidenced once again after House Judiciary Committee Chairman Jim Jordan (R-OH) announced that he's taking new steps in the ongoing investigation into the Center for Countering Digital Hate (CCDH), the outfit used by the Biden administration to justify censoring various types of "disinformation" online.

Jordan and his committee are attempting to get to the bottom of exactly what role the organization played in a massive censorship campaign waged against the American people in collusion with several of the biggest social media companies.

The House Judiciary Committee subpoenaed the outfit, giving "the CCDH until the end of September to produce its communications with the executive branch related to content moderation, the accuracy or truth of content, and the deletion or suppression of content."

Now what?

What triggered the subpoena, not surprisingly, was the fact that the CCDH failed to comply with earlier records requests, as most Biden-aligned agencies and organizations do.

"By declining to produce anythingof substance in response to the Committee’s request, CCDH is hindering the Committee’s ability to fulfill its constitutional oversight obligations," Jordan's letter to Imran Ahmed, CEO of the CCDH, read.

Breitbart provided a quick summary of the CCDH and how it came to be:

Funded by a pro-China investment entity, the CCDH is a British nonprofit that became infamous during the Biden administration as the origin of the “disinformation dozen,” a group of Facebook accounts the nonprofit identified as the top sources of “COVID misinformation.”

Notably, one of the accounts included in the Democrat-labeled "disinformation dozen" is Robert F. Kennedy Jr., who is now a Democratic challenger for the presidency.

The CCDH was directly responsible for the White House's justification to pressure multiple Big Tech social media firms into censoring anything that questioned the narrative at the time.

Social media responds

Jordan's subpoena was met with praise, doubt, and criticism, with some users complaining that more action needs to be taken. Others were happy with the progress so far.

"Good. Don't let them get away with it. The Left always tries to censor it's opponents," one Twitter user wrote.

Another user wrote, "The GOP loves to subpoena docs, get committees together to talk about it, and then ultimately, do nothing."

Clearly, many want House Republicans to do more, whatever that may entail. Only time will tell if they do.

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