Justice Kagan calls for mechanism to enforce Supreme Court's ethics code

 July 27, 2024

Liberal U.S. Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan is calling for a mechanism to enforce the U.S. Supreme Court's new ethics code. 

Kagan made the call, according to the Washington Examiner, during her appearance at a judicial conference that was recently held in Sacramento, California.

This comes as members of the Supreme Court have been facing criticism for alleged ethics violations. There will be more on this in a moment.

In response to this criticism, the court, under the leadership of Chief Justice John Roberts, created a new code of ethics for its members to follow.

The problem

Kagan, during her appearance at the conference, spoke about the Supreme Court's new code of ethics and about a major problem that she sees with the code. The problem, according to Kagan, is that there is no enforcement mechanism.

"I think that the rules that we put out are good ones. I think that the thing that can be criticized is, you know, rules usually have enforcement mechanisms attached to them. And this one, this set of rules does not," she said.

Kagan went on to state that there needs to be an enforcement "mechanism," although she did not seem to have a clear idea of what that mechanism ought to look like.

Bloomberg reports:

While speaking Thursday at a judicial conference in Sacramento, California, Kagan said she trusts Roberts and if he creates “some sort of committee of highly respected judges with a great deal of experience and a reputation for fairness,” that seems like a good solution.

It is unclear what the other members of the Supreme Court think about this idea.


The Associated Press details the circumstances of this situation.

Per the outlet:

The court had been considering adopting an ethics code for several years, but the effort took on added urgency after ProPublica reported last year that Justice Clarence Thomas did not disclose luxury trips he accepted from a major Republican donor. ProPublica also reported on an undisclosed trip to Alaska taken by Justice Samuel Alito, and The Associated Press published stories on both liberal and conservative justices engaging in partisan activity.

The Associated Press is trying to appear impartial here. But, the truth of the matter is that this was a coordinated attack on conservative members of the U.S. Supreme Court by leftist media outlets.

The outlet continues:

Earlier this year, Alito was again criticized after The New York Times reported that an upside-down American flag, a symbol associated with former President Donald Trump’s false claims of election fraud, was displayed outside his home. Alito said he had no involvement in the flag being flown upside down.

It is unclear how this will play out, but what is clear is that the political left will continue to target conservative members of the Supreme Court in the hope of gaining enough support to have one of them removed.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson