Justice Neil Gorsuch warns Biden on proposed SCOTUS reforms: 'Be careful'

 August 5, 2024

Now that President Joe Biden is out of the running for the White House, he apparently believed pushing for Supreme Court "reforms" was the best way to cement a legacy. 

Not only are his reforms ridiculous, but they're also unconstitutional and will never receive the congressional support needed to actually make them happen.

Also, according to The Hill, Justice Neil Gorsuch was the first sitting justice to speak out on the proposed reforms, and his warning was crystal clear: "Be careful."

Gorsuch was interviewed on "Fox News Sunday" and though he declined to dive further into the topic given its political nature, he shared just enough to make it clear where he stands.

What did he say?

The conservative justice began by making it known that he would weigh in on the topic too much given that it has become a political lightning rod in the 2024 election.

"You’re not going to be surprised that I’m not going to get into what is now a political issue during a presidential election year. I don’t think that would be helpful," he said during the Fox News interview.

However, Gorsuch said that he had "one thought to add" to the discussion about Biden's proposed reforms.

"And so, I just say, be careful," Gorsuch said.

The Hill noted:

Gorsuch’s rare interview on Fox came days before Tuesday’s scheduled release of his new book, “Over Ruled: The Human Toll of Too Much Law,” which Gorsuch co-wrote with one of his former clerks.

In the book, Gorsuch details what he sees as the downsides of overregulation and an explosion of laws.

Social media reacts

Users across social media had plenty to say in response to Gorsuch's warning to Biden and Democrats who feel like the high court is in need of radical reforms just because they didn't get their way on certain rulings.

"The 'be careful' was for us Americans! The whole point of our Supreme Court is to check and balance the power of the exec and legislative branches! We shouldn’t want that to change! They protect the little people and the minority in this country at any given point in history!" one X user wrote.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson