Laura Loomer denies media's 'salacious lie' about alleged affair with Trump

 September 19, 2024

Some anti-Trump Democrats and liberal media figures have been almost giddy as they've perpetuated a recent rumor that former President Donald Trump is having an extramarital affair with a controversial right-wing independent journalist, Laura Loomer, who's been supporting his re-election effort and even traveling with him to various events.

Loomer recently fired back at her accusatory critics and flatly denied the allegations of an affair with Trump and highlighted how the media's reaction to the rumors would be wildly different if she were a left-wing reporter, according to People magazine.

She also drew explicit comparisons in her denial between the rumors about her and the allegations that Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic nominee, had her political career initially boosted by an affair with former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown, who at the time was the powerful California Assembly Speaker.

"Such a salacious lie"

During a recent episode of her podcast, Loomer said, "It's disgusting, the way that they are now spreading lies about me. The media now is accusing me of having an affair with Donald Trump. Such a salacious lie. So malicious, so disrespectful to Donald Trump and Melania Trump."

"They’ve taken it so far, and you know if I was a leftist journalist, if I was a Democrat -- oh my God, the media would be up in arms if the Republican media was doing this to a left-wing journalist," she continued. "'Oh my god, they’re misogynist, they’re bullying a woman, they’re trying to Monica Lewinsky her, they're demonizing her, they’re trying to discredit the fact that she’s a working woman.'"

Loomer then referenced the rumors that VP Harris slept with Willie Brown to "get to the top" and asserted, "Some of us women, we actually work hard. Some of us women have no desire to have sexual affairs with politicians or men with elite political status to climb the ladder.

Bill Maher joked about alleged affair

Loomer's fiery response to the affair allegations came shortly after HBO's "Real Time" host Bill Maher, in reaction to Loomer's prior claim about pop superstar Taylor Swift and NFL superstar Travis Kelce having an "arranged relationship," joked about the rumored affair with former President Trump on his program, according to People.

"I think maybe Laura Loomer’s in an arranged relationship to influence the election because she’s very close to Trump. She's 31. Looks like his type," Maher quipped. "We did an editorial here a few years ago .... 'Who’s Trump f--king?' Because I said, 'it’s not nobody. He’s been a dog for too long. And it’s not Melania.' I think we may have our answer this week."

Loomer shared a clip of Maher's remarks on her X account and wrote, "I should sue Bill Maher @billmaher for Defamation. This is beyond the pale and it’s a complete and blatant lie."

"I have never in my life seen such a coordinated attack by the mainstream Media, the White House, and leftist personalities to target a private citizen and investigative journalist simply because I flew on a plane and I support Donald Trump," she continued in the post. "This is unacceptable. And it’s a full-blown LIE and incredibly disrespectful to President Trump and First Lady Melania Trump."

"It’s very obvious some type of memo went out because the reaction to what I said is completely overblown and it’s a full-blown character assassination campaign," Loomer added. "This is a full-blown lie from @billmaher, and he is maliciously and deliberately defaming me."

Trump distances himself from Loomer

It doesn't appear that former President Trump has dignified the affair allegations with a response, but he did push back against media assertions that Loomer was associated with his campaign after a manufactured controversy erupted over remarks she made about VP Harris' half-Indian heritage.

"Laura Loomer doesn’t work for the Campaign. She’s a private citizen and longtime supporter," he said in a Truth Social post. "I disagree with the statements she made but, like the many millions of people who support me, she is tired of watching the Radical Left Marxists and Fascists violently attack and smear me, even to the point of doing anything to stop their Political Opponent, ME!"

Unfortunately, Trump's distancing himself from Loomer and her vehement denials will likely do little to quell the viciously salacious rumors of infidelity that the left will happily continue to perpetuate.

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Thomas Jefferson