Man to face charges after attempted breach of press area at Trump rally

 September 2, 2024

More than seven weeks after a gunman made an attempt on his life at a campaign event, Donald Trump is hitting the trail hard, despite the dangers he now knows all too well.

Unfortunately, those risks were brought into stark relief once more on Friday when, during a rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, a man barged his way into a press area after breaching a barrier meant to protect the former president, as the Associated Press reports.

Frightening scene unfolds

During his speech to the assembled crowd, Trump was holding forth about press bias and taking aim at CNN's Thursday sit-down with Vice President Kamala Harris and her running mate, Tim Walz.

Not long after, the suspect scaled a barrier meant to define the designated media area and started climbing the rear portion of a riser on which reporters and cameraman were perched.

Spectators endeavored to yank the man down from the risers, with local police and sheriff's deputies swiftly joining the effort and eventually subduing him with a Taser, as the Hindustan Time explained.

The entire spectacle sparked cheers from those in attendance, and Trump himself made light of the situation, asking, “Is there anywhere that's more fun to be than a Trump rally?”

Video footage of the incident was posted to X by podcaster George Behizy, who added the caption, “A Deranged Democrat tried to breach the security at Trump's rally in Johnstown, Pennsylvania, and got dealt with BEAUTIFULLY by the cops.”

Formal charges pending

Richard Pritchard, the police chief in Johnstown, later revealed that though the man was arrested on site, he was ultimately released pending formal charges that are expected next week.

The man's name has not yet been released to the public but will be made known next week once the misdemeanor charges of disorderly conduct, resisting arrest, and disrupting a public assembly are lodged in municipal court.

The police chief did not offer comment or speculation about the man's motives in attempting to breach the press area and presumably rush the stage.

Trump campaign adviser Danielle Alvarez, however, said, “Witnesses, including some in the press corps, described a crazed individual shouting expletives at President Trump. His aggression was focused on the president and towards the stage as he entered the press area.”

Heightened scrutiny needed

The troubling incident comes at a time of ongoing concern about the safety protocols surrounding the former president, particularly in light of the July 13 assassination attempt in Butler and the shocking revelations about security gaps and failures that have since emerged.

Though the Secret Service did not offer comment on the Friday breach and referred journalists to local authorities for more information, Alvarez expressed gratitude on the part of the campaign for the quick actions that were taken by all agencies to get the situation under control.

While it does not appear that Trump was ever in any serious danger of harm as a result of Friday's melee, the events themselves serve to underscore the very real need for enhanced vigilance on the part of local, state, and federal details as the campaign season heads toward its crescendo.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson