NYT: 'I do not think Biden's decline is overstated by the media'

 September 15, 2023

The New York Times's Ross Douthat just published an article in which he raised concerns about the Democrats' decision to stick with President Joe Biden in 2024. 

Douthat's opinion piece is called 2024's Field of Nightmares. 

Douthat wrote the piece in light of recent polls, which have shown that Biden's age - or, more importantly, the deterioration that has come with his advanced age - is a significant issue for voters.

In case you missed the polls, we will cover them later. But, first, we will look at what Douthat had to say in his recent article.

Biden's "decline"

Douthat began his piece by referring to the saying, "The ball will always find you." And, then, he applies this saying to the case of Biden. Douthat explains the saying, writing:

[I]f you place a player where he shouldn’t be, or try to disguise a player’s incapacity by shifting him away from the likely action, or give a player you love a chance to stay on the field too long for sentimental reasons, the risk you take will eventually catch up to you, probably at the worst possible moment.

In the remainder of the piece, Douthat suggests that "the risk" of keeping Biden could be about to "catch up" with the Democrats in 2024.

"I do not think Biden’s decline is overstated by the media; by some Republicans, maybe, but the mainstream press is, if anything, treading gingerly around the evident reality," Douthat writes.

He later adds, "But in running Biden for re-election, Democrats are making a fateful bet that this successful management can simply continue . . ."

Douthat concludes by expressing doubt about whether it will.

The polls

Douthat is far from the only columnist to write such a piece, raising concerns about Biden's age and how his age could hurt the Democrats in 2024. As stated earlier, the concerns have been renewed by recent polling.

The Daily Wire reports, "A poll published by The Wall Street Journal earlier [last] week found that 73% of voters consider Biden to be too old to run for president again, including two-thirds of Democrats."

The outlet continues, "The concerning results for Democrats came on the heels of an Associated Press-NORC Center for Public Affairs Research poll that found 77% of voters, including 69% of Democrats, feel the president is too old."

Then, there is the recent CNN poll that found that only 26% of Americans believe that Biden "has the stamina and sharpness to serve effectively as president."

Despite the polls and despite the recent spate of opinion pieces raising concerns about Biden's age, Biden and the White House insist that Biden is fit and that he will run for reelection in 2024.

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