Tim Walz and Barack Obama have ties that stretch back nearly two decades

 August 20, 2024

Fox News cited sources last month who said that former President Barack Obama "helped lead the charge" in pressuring President Joe Biden not to seek another term in office.

While that ultimately resulted in Vice President Kamala Harris becoming the Democratic nominee, she isn't alone in owing something to Obama, as the former president once helped her running mate.

Picture from 2006 shows Walz and Obama together

According to Fox News, Obama was "one of the earliest" major Democratic figures to endorse Minnesota Gov. Tim Walz when he first ran for Congress in 2006.

Indeed, Walz told the MinnPost in 2017 that he documented a visit that Obama made to Minnesota in order to support him and future-Democratic Sen. Amy Klobuchar, who was at the time serving as Hennepin county attorney.

"I just remember standing on that stage, and we were coming off it, and there was someone there who was a supporter of mine who said, 'Stop, let me take a picture,'" Walz recalled

"A future congressman, a future senator, and a future president," he said of the picture before adding that Obama was among a small number of high-profile figures to support his House run.

Obama backed Walz' gubernatorial run

Fox News noted that this was not the last time that Obama put his political capital behind Walz, as he would do so again in 2018.

"I am proud to endorse coach, teacher, soldier, and Congressman Tim Walz for Governor of Minnesota. Tim is running a campaign on the idea that there is more that unites than divides us," Obama was quoted as saying in an ad.

The former president boasted that Walz was "running for one Minnesota—where everyone, no matter where they live or what they look like, has affordable healthcare, a quality education, and the chance to get ahead.

"I've worked with Tim in Congress, and I know firsthand he has what it takes to get it done," Obama went on to declare.

Former president again campaign for Walz in 2022

Further, Obama once more spoke out on Walz's behalf two years ago when he ran for another term in the executive mansion.

"​​Minnesota, our rights and our future are on the ballot this year. That's why I'm supporting Tim Walz and Peggy Flanagan," Obama said in a 2022 ad.

"As governor, Tim balanced the state budget while cutting taxes for the middle class. He has pushed for tax rebate checks to help with the cost of living. And he has fought to make critical investments in public safety and education," Obama stated.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson