Trump 'will bring about the right kind of change': poll

 July 29, 2024

The majority of registered voters, here in America, believe that former President Donald Trump, with a second term as president, "will bring about the right kind of change."

The poll, much to the dismay of Democrats, comes from the New York Times and Sienna College.

This poll comes as the Democrats continue to try to scare Americans away from voting for Trump by claiming, among other things, that he is a "threat to Democracy."

At this point, Trump has been facing this charge for years, but, if the Times' poll is correct, it would suggest that the Democrats' fearmongering about Trump seems to be losing its effectiveness.

The results

The poll was taken by Siena College on behalf of the Times during a period from July 22 to July 24, 2024. The pollster surveyed 1,142 registered voters, asking them a series of election-related questions.

The pollster, at one point, asked participants "for each of the following, [to] please tell me if this describes Donald Trump very well, somewhat well, not too well, or not at all well." Then, the pollster wrote, "will bring about the right kind of change."

A near majority of participants - 50% - said that Trump will bring about the right kind of change. This includes 35% who said that he "very well" will bring about the right kind of change and 15% who said that he "somewhat well" will bring about the right kind of change.

The pollster asked participants the same question about Vice President Kamala Harris, the Democratic Party's likely presidential nominee.

Here, only 48% said that Harris will either "very well" or "somewhat well" bring about the right kind of change.

It's not the only win for Trump

The pollster also asked participants, "If the 2024 presidential election were held today, who would you vote for if the candidates were . . ." Harris, Trump, or "don't know/refused."

Trump, here, won with a two percentage point lead, 48% to 46%, with 6% choosing the "don't know/refused" option.

Trump is generally up in general election polls on Harris, but not by much. Real Clear Politics, on average, only has Trump leading Harris by 1.7 percentage points.

Many find this surprising given just how unpopular Harris is.

Experts believe that there we are currently in a "honeymoon period" with Harris and that, as we move closer and closer to the 2024 presidential election this "honeymoon period" will come to an end and we will get more accurate polls. As we know though, even the best of polls are not perfect.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson