UCLA's 'Jew Exclusion Zone' lawsuit is'so abhorrent': Federal judge rules

 August 16, 2024

A judge's order to protect ethnic groups being protested at major college campuses took the tone of a frustrated parent attempting to once again reiterate house rules to a petulant child.

The protests that have persisted for ten months following the Hamas attack on the state of Israel last fall made this decision necessary.

This past Tuesday, a federal district court in Los Angeles issued an injunction compelling UCLA to end its support for antisemitic extremists who have attempted to physically exclude Jewish students from certain areas of campus, as Fox News reported.

Protesters on school, in the aftermath of the horrific assault in Israel on October 7, erected barriers in the middle of campus, cutting off access to vital educational facilities.

The Suit

Becket Law and Clement & Murphy PLLC, the religious liberty firm, filed a lawsuit against UCLA, accusing the university of "aiding and abetting" an antisemitic culture.

The lawsuit also accused UCLA of "segregating Jewish students and preventing them from accessing the heart of campus." Becket Law and Clement & Murphy PLLC were the co-counsel in the lawsuit.

"To enter the Jew Exclusion Zone, a person had to make a statement pledging their allegiance to the activists' views and have someone within the encampment ‘vouch’ for the individual's fidelity to the activists' cause," the lawsuit said.

"[T]he practical effect was to deny the overwhelming majority of Jews access to the heart of the campus."

More Claims

The lawsuit went on to claim that "UCLA's administration knew about the activists' extreme actions, including the exclusion of Jews."

"But, in a remarkable display of cowardice, appeasement, and illegality, the administration did nothing to stop it."

UCLA Chancellor Gene Block went on to publicly acknowledge that "'students on their way to class have been physically blocked from accessing parts of the campus,’" the suit states.

Court Response

In a decision that was handed down on Tuesday, a federal district court in the state of California ruled in favor of the Jewish students. The court stated, "In the year 2024, in the United States of America, in the State of California, in the City of Los Angeles, Jewish students were excluded from portions of the UCLA campus because they refused to denounce their faith."

Due to the fact that they refused to abandon their faith, Jewish students were barred from some areas of the UCLA campus. This is a truth that is so incomprehensible and so repulsive to the constitutional protection of religious freedom that it ought to be repeated.

"UCLA does not dispute this. Instead, UCLA claims that it has no responsibility to protect the religious freedom of its Jewish students because the exclusion was engineered by third-party protesters.

"But under constitutional principles, UCLA may not allow services to some students when UCLA knows that other students are excluded on religious grounds, regardless of who engineered the exclusion," Judge Mark C. Scarsi said in the court order.

" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson