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Russia, India move towards trade in their own currencies
President Biden's draconian sanctions against Russia are continuing to sow backlash beyond the Western world, as Russia and India move…
DTJ blasts Twitter for 'election interference'
Despite dramatic warnings about "Russian disinformation" during the 2020 election cycle, the Twitter Files have proven that America's domestic institutions…
Hollywood star regrets supporting mask mandates and COVID lockdowns
Actor Tim Robbins has long been known as an outspoken Democrat. However, the Hollywood recently broke with many on the…
Twitter documents reveal FBI's role in suppressing Hunter Biden story
Earlier this month, Twitter owner Elon Musk provided independent journalists with proof that the company aided Democrats in 2020. This…
FBI partly admits and denies details of 'Twitter Files' revelations about secret collusion on censorship with social media
Recent installments of the "Twitter Files" exposed the close contact and collusion between the FBI and the social media platform,…
Massive spending passes with help from 18 Senate Republicans
According to the Daily Wire, senators voted on Thursday evening to pass a massive $1.7 trillion omnibus spending package. The…
GOP Sen. Hawley says 'young men' need to 'get married' and 'have families'
Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO) just urged "young men" to rebel against "liberal culture" by getting married and having a family. …
Migrants increasingly taking over American homeless shelters
Migrants crossing the nation's southern border are increasingly taking over America's homeless shelters, according to a new report. The Wall…
Steve Scalise: GOP will fight bills that 'nobody can read'
Earlier this week, the Senate voted to advance an omnibus spending bill. Sprawling 4,155 pages, the legislation contains some $1.7…
McCarthy joins group of House Republicans threatening to tank the Senate's $1.7 trillion spending bill
House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has just joined a group of House Republicans who have vowed to oppose the…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson
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