
Why former GOP senator who opposed Trump in 2016 is supporting him now: Report
Former Sen. Kelly Ayotte has announced her endorsement of former President Trump's campaign to reclaim the White House as she…
Biden appointee accused of fabricating racist attacks against himself
According to recent allegations, Taral Patel, a Democratic candidate for the position of precinct commissioner in Fort Bend, Texas, and…
New York State Supreme Court
Biden warns that the next president may appoint two Supreme Court justices
During a recent speech, Joe Biden issued a warning that the next president of the United States may pick two Supreme Court…
Lara Trump, RNC co-chair, says 'We will track you down' to election cheaters
On Friday, Lara Trump—the daughter-in-law of former president Trump and co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC)—promised to bring criminal…
Deceased Indiana woman who won her primary posthumously will be replaced on the ballot
A deceased Indiana woman who won her primary race posthumously will be replaced on the November ballot by the state's…
DANIEL VAUGHAN: Democrats Are Rebuilding Deep-State Opposition To A Second Trump Term
The air is slowly leaking out of the polls that buoyed Biden in the immediate aftermath of Trump's conviction. Biden…
Jackie Kennedy was hospitalized and fighting for her life because of eating disorder
With RFK Jr. making a decent effort for America's presidency in 2024, the Kennedy family has been getting increased media…
Black pastor praises Trump for Detroit event, says Obama and Biden 'never came to the hood' like him
Former President Donald Trump is making a concerted effort to win over young and minority voters who typically vote for…
Released Secret Service records reveal dozens of dog-biting incidents involving Biden's German Shepherds
There have been occasional reports over the past few years of President Joe Biden's German Shepherd dogs, Commander and Major,…
Supreme Court overturns Trump-era ATF ban on bump stock attachments for semiautomatic rifles
In 2018, following a deadly 2017 mass shooting in Las Vegas, and at the urging of then-President Donald Trump, the…
" A free people [claim] their rights, as derived from the laws of nature."
Thomas Jefferson