New ad claims Nikki Haley is the GOP candidate Biden fears the most

 September 7, 2023

Most polling data shows former President Donald Trump to be the clear frontrunner when it comes to winning the Republican Party's nomination next year.

However, this fact hasn't stopped a new advertisement from suggesting that former United Nations Ambassador Nikki Haley is the GOP challenger President Joe Biden fears the most.

Ad features clip of Fox News host calling Haley "confident"

According to the Washington Examiner, the 30-second ad was released on Wednesday by the pro-Haley Stand for America (SFA) political action committee.

It opens with a clip in which Haley can be seen on a debate stage last month saying, "No one is telling the American people the truth. They need to stop the spending, stop the borrowing."

It then cuts to a shot of Fox News host Brian Kilmeade describing the former South Carolina governor as being "confident" and "taking on all comers."

This is followed by footage showing Haley calling for congressional term limits as well as mandatory mental competency tests for politicians over 75 years of age.

Campaign official says Biden "would face an uphill battle against Nikki Haley"

It concludes with a Fox News host saying, "The Biden team worries that if Nikki Haley gets that nomination, they could be in trouble.

Mark Harris serves as SFA's lead strategist, and he told the Examiner, "The Biden administration knows that they would face an uphill battle against Nikki Haley as the Republican nominee for president."

"Haley is unapologetic in her strong stance against China, her pro-life beliefs, and her denunciation of poor leadership from both Democrats and Republicans," he continued.

"Nikki Haley will bring the fierce determination and strength America needs now more than ever," Harris went on to insist.

Polls show Haley to be trailing far behind former President Trump

Meanwhile, a poll conducted by MNB Research between August 25 and August 31 among likely New Hampshire Republican primary voters found Haley to be tied with Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis for second place at 10%.

However, former President Trump is well ahead of both Haley and DeSantis, having the support of 47% of Granite State Republican voters.

What's more, a survey aggregate maintained by the website FiveThirtyEight shows Haley support as standing at just 6.5% nationally.

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